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Decoding REDD: Negotiating Forest Land-Use Change

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2009
South-Eastern Asia

In many areas within the Asia-Pacific region, there are compelling short-term incentives to degrade or to convert forestland for other uses. A common example is poorly regulated timber markets, which provide financial rewards for logging that is inadequately managed, unsustainable, and often illegal. Other examples include poorly planned land conversion for mining, agriculture, and large-scale agribusiness plantations as well as spontaneous clearing by farmers.


Red Books for Greener Trees: Strengthening Community Forestry in Vietnam

Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2009

In December 2004, the passing of the Forest Protection and Development Law (FPDL) legally recognized community forest management (CFM) in Vietnam for the first time. Despite this step, skepticism remains about whether CFM can work in practice and to what extent legal recognition contributes to effective forest protection and management.

During 2008, in response to these concerns, the Forest Governance Learning Group (FGLG) visited 25 villages to learn from field implementation of CFM in seven provinces.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juli, 2009
Eastern Asia

The Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) for Timor-Leste identifies environmental priorities through a systematic review of environmental issues in natural resources management and environmental health in the context of the country's economic development and environmental institutions. Lack of data has been the main limitation in presenting a more rigorous analysis. Nevertheless, the report builds on the best available secondary data, presents new data on the country's wealth composition, and derives new results on the costs of water and air pollution.

[Effect of forest composition and structure on forest birds richness: implications for sustainable forest management]

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2009

En el presente trabajo se analiza cómo afecta la composición y estructura del bosque a la riqueza de aves forestales, a escala de 1x1 km, en Cataluña. Se muestra que la riqueza de aves se ve favorecida por la cabida forestal, siempre que se evite la dominancia de masas excesivamente cerradas (FCC [Fracción de Cabida Cubierta] 70%); por la presencia de las clases naturales de edad más avanzadas (latizales y fustales); y por la diversidad de especies arbóreas y la mezcla de frondosas y coníferas.

Regulation on supervision over the elaboration of the forestry fundamentals.

juni, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Regulation hereby prescribes the mandatory supervision rules, aimed at the control over the execution of the preparation of forest-economic documents or plans (for private and state owned forests).Forest-economic planning documents are projects assignment for the preparation of the forest-economic basis, including the classification of forests and forest land in ecological-productive terms, with the aim of determining the technical objectives of forest management (such as creation of spatial units, the marking of their boundaries in the field, the recording of boundaries and their mapp

Regulation on drafting of the forestry connection projects.

juni, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Regulation prescribe the necessary contents of the documentation and administrative forms that are to be included when drafting/preparing the forest or forest land communication projects (such as the construction of forest road for vehicles, reconstruction of forest truck routes and tractor/trailway paths).As defined by this text, forest communications/connections are primary used for forestry purposes as well as for the needs of the local population.

Implements: Forest Law (Republic of Srpska). (2008-07-17)

Spatial and temporal land cover changes in Terminos Lagoon Reserve, Mexico

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2009

Terminos Lagoon ecosystem is the largest fluvial-lagoon estuarine system in the country and one of the most important reserves of coastal flora and fauna in Mexico. Since the seventies, part of the main infrastructure for country's oil extraction is located in this area. Its high biodiversity has motivated different type of studies including deforestation processes and land use planning. In this work we used satellite image analysis to determine land cover changes in the area from 1974 to 2001.

Regulation on the conditions and manner of leasing of forest land owned by Republic of Srpska.

juni, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Regulation sets the conditions governing the procedures and terms for obtaining the lease of specific forest land parcel if public/state owned; and only if not previously assigned/intended for different purpose (if not part of the area covered with strategic environmental or planning documents).This Regulation provides for administrative requirements, economic related provisions, procedural issues and contents for contracts to be stipulated in relation with lease requests.

Implements: Forest Law (Republic of Srpska). (2008-07-17)

Why Governments Tax or Subsidize Trade

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
mei, 2009

This paper empirically explores the political-economic determinants of why governments choose to tax or subsidize trade in agriculture. The authors use a new data set on nominal rates of assistance (NRA) across a number of commodities spanning the last five decades for 64 countries. NRAs measure the effect on domestic (relative to world) price of the quantitative and price-based instruments used to regulate agricultural markets. The data set admits consideration of both taxes and subsidies on exports and imports.

Patterns of black grouse, Tetrao tetrix distribution in northwestern Russia at the turn of the millennium

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2009

We have studied the relationship between landscape structure and black grouse density in Russian Karelia and compared it with East Finland. The spatial density distribution of the black grouse population is relatively even, especially in areas with a high proportion of forest land. Correlations between forest structure and black grouse abundance were generally low. We found three significant correlations for Russian Karelia: positive for clear cuts and young forests and negative for the proportion of old forests.

Decoding REDD: Addressing and Assessing the Second 'D'

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2009
South-Eastern Asia

Available scientific literature indicates forest degradation emissions are of a similar magnitude to those from deforestation. The potential for further emissions from degradation is an especially pressing concern in the Asia-Pacific region, where many forest areas are intertwined with highly populated areas and intensive timber harvesting. Including forest degradation in a reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) mechanism will be crucial to ensure that both the Asia-Pacific and global forest sectors realize their full potential to mitigate climate change.

Changes in the fragmentation and ecological stability of the Morava River floodplain forest in the course of the 20th century

Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2009
Czech Republic

This paper presents the results of an analysis of the changes in the fragmentation and ecological stability of the floodplain forest geobiocoenoses in the Protected Landscape Area Litovelske Pomoravi, Czech Republic. Using GIS methods, it was determined that the fragmentation within the study area had increased slightly and the ecological stability of the landscape had decreased slightly between the years 1938 and 2006, although the latter remained on a fairly high level.