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Forests and water. European Forestry Commission, 34th session, Rome, Italy. Timber Committee. Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and use of Transboundary Watercourses and international lakes. Working group on Integrated Water Re...

Reports & Research
november, 2008

This note has been prepared for the plenary session of the European Forest Week on “Forests and Water” taking place on Thursday, 23 October 2008 1 . Its objective is to stimulate a lively and well informed discussion by providing the reader with background information and proposing questions which participants in the session may wish to address during the discussion. The note presents linkages between the forest and water sectors, discusses collaboration between the communities and presents international legal and policy frameworks.

Forest faces. Hopes and regrets in Philippine forestry

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2008

Stories are a primary means through which we gain understanding. This publication provides an evocative re-telling of personal experiences and reflections enabling better comprehension of the struggles, dramas and tragedies associated with the changes and loss of Philippine forests. Forest Faces is a poignant reminder of what has been lost, and a paean for what might be regained. The faces featured in this book reflect the naive, the hopeful, the anxious, the fearful, the complacent, and the frustrated.

Understanding forest tenure in South and Southeast Asia

Reports & Research
november, 2008
United States of America
Sri Lanka
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Republic of Korea
Brunei Darussalam
South-Eastern Asia
Southern Asia

Does forest tenure matter? In what way does it matter? What are the links among tenure, sustainable forest management (SFM) and poverty alleviation (PA)? This paper presents the main findings of research that was conducted by FAO and partners from the Asia Forest Partnership with the aim of analysing and understanding the role of tenure arrangements, their enabling impacts and their limitations. The paper presents a summary of different tenure instruments’ performance in supporting SFM and PA, and provides recommendations for more effective forest tenure systems.

Forests and water

Reports & Research
november, 2008

подготовлена для пленарного заседания на тему " Леса и вода", которое состоится в четверг, 23 октября 2008 года, в рамках Недели европейских лесов1. Она призвана стимулировать оживленную и содержательную дискуссию. С этой целью вниманию читателей будет представлена справочная информация и предложены вопросы, которые участники заседания, возможно, пожелают рассмотреть в ходе обсуждения.

Forêts et eau. Réunion des parties à la convention Sur la protection et l’utilisation Des cours d’eau transfrontières Et des lacs internationaux Groupe de travail de la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau

Reports & Research
november, 2008

La présente note a été établie en vue de la sessio n plénière de la Semaine européenne des forêts intitulée «Les forêts et l’eau», qui se tiendra le jeudi 23 octobre 2008 1 . Elle a pour objet de promouvoir un débat nourri et éclairé en donnant au lecteur de s informations générales et en soulevant des questi ons que les participants à la session souhaiteront peut -être examiner au cours du débat.

Mediating Forest Transitions: Grand Design or Muddling Through

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2008

Present biodiversity conservation programmes in the remaining extensive forest blocks of the humid trop-ics are failing to achieve outcomes that will be viable in the medium to long term. Too much emphasis is given to what we term grand design-ambitious and idealistic plans for conservation. Such plans im-plicitly oppose or restrict development and often attempt to block it by speculatively establishing paper parks. Insufficient recognition is given to the inevitable long term pressures for conversion to other land uses and to the weakness of local constituencies for conservation.

Governação Florestal em Niassa: o caso de Muembe, Sanga, Lago e Cuamba

Reports & Research
november, 2008

A governação florestal em Moçambique é um tema de destaque nos últimos tempos. No final dos anos 90 e início de 2000 houve um movimento intenso no sector florestal para adequar as políticas e o quadro legal sobre a gestão de florestas. Este movimento contribuiu para alinhar as políticas nacionais com os padrões internacionais, particularmente sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável, a partilha de benefícios com as comunidades residentes na floresta, a contribuição do sector florestal para os Objectivos de Desenvolvimento do Milénio, entre outros.

Climate change and land tenure

Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2008

Land Tenure Working Paper 2. This document analyzes the implications for land tenure and land policy of climate change. It assesses the implications of ongoing anthropogenic climate change resulting from greenhouse gas emissions for land tenure and the role that land policy can play in climate change adaptation planning in the developing world.

Integrated Financing Strategy (IFS) for sustainable land management in Jordan.

National Policies
oktober, 2008

The Integrated Financing Strategy (IFS) is a national wide document, developed by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, supported by the Global Mechanism (GM) of the UNCCD, to implement Jordan’s commitments towards UNCCD. The IFS aims at providing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to financing and project implementation that would combat desertification and promote SLM, and in doing so to provide a more stable climate for investment and financing in this area for Jordan.

RECOFTC Annual Report 2007-2008

Institutional & promotional materials
oktober, 2008
South-Eastern Asia

The year 2007–2008 was the final year of the RECOFTC Program Phase 2004–2008. We are pleased to report that the four-year Program Plan was successfully implemented on time, and we fulfilled all the major remaining commitments, even exceeding targets in some areas. This is largely thanks to the generous financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Seized: The 2008 landgrab for food and financial security

Reports & Research
oktober, 2008

Today’s food and financial crises have, in tandem, triggered a new global land grab. On the one hand, “food insecure” governments that rely on imports to feed their people are snatching up vast areas of farmland abroad for their own offshore food production. On the other hand, food corporations and private investors, hungry for profits in the midst of the deepening financial crisis, see investment in foreign farmland as an important new source of revenue. As a result, fertile agricultural land is becoming increasingly privatised and concentrated.

Decreto Nº 1391 - Modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de Pesca y Desarrollo Pesquero.

oktober, 2008

El presente Decreto, considerando que existen personas naturales y jurídicas que habiendo obtenido la concesión para ocupar zonas de playas han ocupado sin autorización áreas de mayor extensión a las concedidas y que además existen personas que nunca obtuvieron la concesión para ocupar zonas de playa y bahía, y que estas áreas son explotadas desde el año 1990, modifica el Reglamento general a la Ley de pesca y desarrollo pesquero, disponiendo que los concesionarios de zonas de playa y bahía que hubieren ocupado un área mayor a la concedida y que las personas naturales o jurídicas que ocupar