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Assessing the effectiveness of protected areas: paradoxes call for pluralism in evaluating conservation performance

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

To highlight and examine apparent paradoxes in assessing the effectiveness of different forms of land-use for biodiversity conservation. Tanzania. We compare and contrast the findings of two recent and seemingly conflicting studies on the effectiveness of conservation protection strategies in Tanzania. We evaluate these studies in the context of a wider body of evidence relating to the problem of determining protected area performance.

potential ecological costs and cobenefits of REDD: a critical review and case study from the Amazon region

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

The United Nations climate treaty may soon include a mechanism for compensating tropical nations that succeed in reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, source of nearly one fifth of global carbon emissions. We review the potential for this mechanism [reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD)] to provoke ecological damages and promote ecological cobenefits.

Tracking the rhythm of the seasons in the face of global change: phenological research in the 21st century

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Phenology is the study of recurring life‐cycle events, classic examples being the flowering of plants and animal migration. Phenological responses are increasingly relevant for addressing applied environmental issues. Yet, challenges remain with respect to spanning scales of observation, integrating observations across taxa, and modeling phenological sequences to enable ecological forecasts in light of future climate change.

Modeling soil organic carbon stocks and changes in a Nepalese watershed

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Land use, land use change and forestry activities play an important role in determining whether soil is a sink or source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂). The effects of land use change on greenhouse gases and climate change are receiving greater attention in many developing countries. We simulated changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) pool over 100 years (1950-2050) under managed dense Shorea forest (DS), rainfed upland (Bari) and irrigated low land (Khet) of Pokhare Khola, a mid-hill watershed of Nepal, using the Century model.

Uso de las tierras, fisiografía y degradación, en el noreste del departamento Aluminé, Neuquén

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

Kilca River basin is one of the major river systems before the mountain region, located in the center of the province of Neuquen. In this zone, humid climates, the dominant land use is "veranada", which consists of three annual steps of one type of livestock transhumance, based on the exploitation of natural grassland forage. Given the physiographic formation of these landscapes, there is in them a high propensity to develop geomorphological processes of erosion and landslides.

Mapping sensitivity to land degradation in Extremadura. SW Spain

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

An assessment of sensitivity to land degradation has been carried out in the Extremadura region, SW Spain, by means of a modelling approach developed by the European Commission funded MEDALUS project (Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use) which identifies such areas on the basis of an index (Environmentally Sensitive Area index, ESA index) that incorporates data on environmental quality (climate, vegetation, soil) as well as anthropogenic factors (management).

Building resilience to climate change in rain-fed agricultural enterprises: An integrated property planning tool

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2009

In response to a drying climate, an integrated property planning tool was developed over three years to help landowners make better use of available rainfall. A sequence was identified which indicated how parts of each property are affected by soil moisture limitations. The sequence was combined with soil properties to indicate targeted strategies for each location aimed to improve soil moisture availability, biomass utilisation, and long-term viability of the farm or ranching enterprise.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2009
Eastern Asia

The economic value of the Upper Tuul ecosystem in Mongolia reports on a study carried out under the auspices of the World Bank and the Government of Mongolia. The goal of the study was to improve understanding about the economic value of the Upper Tuul ecosystem for Ulaanbaatar's water supplies and how this might be affected by different land and resource management options in the future.

Sudan Investment Climate Assessment

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
december, 2009

This report on Sudan's Investment Climate Assessment (ICA) provides a baseline assessment of challenges to productivity, diversification and inclusion. Chapter 1 describes some of the questions underlying the three issues of competitiveness, diversification and broad-based growth. Chapter 2 analyzes firm performance and competitiveness. Chapter 3 discusses markets and trust. Chapter 4 describes the role of the financial sector. Chapter 5 analyses the informal sector. Chapter 6 discusses the conflict-affected private sector development.