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Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030

National Policies
februari, 2007

The Estonian Environmental Strategy 2030 is a national cross-sectoral strategy of Estonia for the period 2007-2030. Its main objective is to ensure the preservation and improvement of the Estonian living and natural environment in the areas of reduction of waste, disused hazardous sites and the pollution load; sustainable use of water and mineral resources; energy; transport; forestry; fisheries; hunting; and preservation of the diversity of nature and landscapes.The Strategy aims to ensure food and potable water safety.

Relevance of the World Social Forum to the Kenyan Situation

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2007

The World Social Forum in Nairobi in January 2007 was a timely New Year rallying event for Kenyans to revisit the fundamental principles for building a democratic and sustainable society as we prepare for December 2007 elections.The current organizing principles of the institutions that govern us in Kenya are narrow and serve the few at the expense of the many millions of Kenyans that live in abject poverty. Yet, from all corners of the country it is acknowledged that it is within our collective ability to create a healthy and sustainable society that serves and work for all

The Draft National Land Policy: A Step towards Land Reforms

Policy Papers & Briefs
januari, 2007

Through this Land Update, KLA appreciates that for the first time in the history of Kenya a comprehensive Draft National Land Policy has been formulated.We therefore urge all Kenyans and the general public to read, debate and contribute to the finalization of the National Land Policy. This is because the final National Land Policy will provide the basis for the review and harmonization of the existing laws and enacting of new ones to facilitate the achievement of the objectives set out in the overall national development policy framework, Kenya Vision 2030

Access to water - the impact of climate change on small municipalities

januari, 2007
South Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Although there are many uncertainties around quantitative assessments of climate change impact and water resource management, what is certain is that the climate is changing and this will have an effect on water resources.
This case study considers the economic consequences of water resource scarcity, particularly as it relates to the poor and small municipalities. The author is concerned that, in the case of water, economic principles where price adjustments to an increasingly scarce resource will balance demand, do not apply.

Advancing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative

januari, 2007
Trinidad and Tobago
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean

This report examines the benefits that a resource-rich country can derive from endorsing the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and implementing its Principles. It also searches for courses of action that the EITI Board can pursue to persuade more countries to endorse EITI. Both issues are investigated in the context of Angola, Indonesia, and Trinidad and Tobago. The authors argue that EITI is particularly beneficial for countries that suffer from the so-called “resource curse”.

Modo capitalista de produção, agricultura e reforma agrária

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006

Compreender a questão agrária sob o modo capitalista de produção sempre foi tarefa difícil e complicada. Não porque muitos autores não a tenham praticamente esgotada, mas porque os estudos mais trazem discordâncias do que convergência. Por isso, esta temática cria atritos entre os conservadores e os progressistas, entre os socialistas e os comunistas, e entre todos eles e os anarquistas. Não há possibilidade nenhuma de consenso ou mesmo de aproximações. Sempre haverá pressupostos que se interporão abrindo espaço para a polêmica e discussões.

The Dynamics of Social Capital and Conflict Management in Multiple Resource Regimes

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006

Increasingly, social capital, defined as shared norms, trust, and the horizontal and vertical social networks that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutually beneficial collective action, is seen as an important asset upon which people rely to manage natural resources and resolve conflicts. This paper uses empirical data from households and community surveys and case studies, to examine the role, strengths, and limits of social capital in managing conflicts over the use and management of natural resources.

La pobreza : En el encuentro del ordenamiento territorial y la lucha contra la desertificación

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2006

El ordenamiento territorial y la lucha contra la desertificación constituyen dos vertientes del conocimiento con gran entidad en sí mismos y no es frecuente encontrar una articulación entre sus respectivos enfoques y perspectivas ni tampoco propuestas operativas que sinergicen sus resultados. La integración de ambas vertientes podría resultar en desarrollos teóricos, metodológicos y propuestas de intervención capaces de mitigar las condiciones de inequidad y pobreza que se ponen en evidencia en amplios territorios de tierras secas de la Argentina.

Increasing the resilience of dryland agro-ecosystems to climate change

december, 2006

The current debate on climate change, its impacts on socio-ecological systems and the role of agriculture has shifted from an emphasis on how to mitigate the effects of increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to how to prepare and adapt to the expected adverse impacts. This follows the recognition that the climate is already changing as a result of mankind’s activities and there is little that can be done to prevent further increases in atmospheric concentrations of GHG in the short term.

The Chad-Cameroon oil & pipeline project: a project non-compliance report

december, 2006
Sub-Saharan Africa

This report assesses the role of the World Bank in the funding and management of the Chad-Cameroon oil and pipeline project. The report argues that the project has fueled violence, impoverished people in the oil fields and along the pipeline route, exacerbated the pressures on indigenous peoples and created new environmental problems. The report highlights how the World Bank’s Implementation Completion Report (ICR) is inconsistent with other independent reports on the project.