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When ?conservation? leads to land degradation: lessons from Ban Lak Sip, Laos

Reports & Research
december, 2005
South-Eastern Asia

In this report, we test the hypothesis that the primary factors behind the farming system changes in Ban Lak Sip lay not in the village itself but rather in the broader Laotian social, economic and political setting. The study uses an integrated approach that examines both the physical and social dimensions of land use and soil erosion in Ban Lak Sip within this broader system environment.

Environmental impact of the mining activity and revitalization of degraded space

Peer-reviewed publication
december, 2005

This paper analyses various aspects of environmental impact of the mineral resources’ exploitation in the mining basins, which can be listed as agricultural (and forest) land intake, relocation of the settlements, water course rearrangement, repositioning of roads and other infrastructure systems, decrease in level of ground water, etc. The paper points to the possible application of new technologies in mineral resources exploitation as well as to certain economic (external) effects.

Policy analysis for sustainable land management and food security in Ethiopia

Policy Papers & Briefs
december, 2005
Eastern Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa

Policy Analysis for Sustainable Land Management and Food Security in Ethiopia presents a bioeconomic model of this less- favored area in the Ethiopian highlands. The main reason for selecting this case study area is the unique availability of both biophysical and socioeconomic data covering a period of 15 to 20 years.The data provides a valuable opportunity to analyze the relationships between population pressure, poverty, and land degradation and to test policies for reducing vulnerability and improving sustainable management of the resource base....

Land Policy and Farming Practices in Laos

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2005

The government of Laos has identified the eradication of poverty as a priority. Given the primarily agricultural character of the country, it has selected land reform as a core policy to reach this goal. The policy has two major aims: to increase land tenure security in order to encourage farmer involvement in intensive farming, and to eliminate slash-and-burn agriculture to protect the environment in a country still rich in forest resources.

Saninten village report

Reports & Research
december, 2005

While external forces can take many forms, such as the shock of a natural disaster which destroys productive assets, or the long-term ‘trend’ of consistently declining market prices which limits net incomes, the focus of this research is on the policy and institutional environment both within and outside the local community. The following village report examines linkages between micro-level livelihood realities and macro-level policy and institutional contexts. The project is based on a rural case study site of Saninten village in western Java, Indonesia.

Watershed management research : a review of IDRC projects in Asia and Latin America

Reports & Research
december, 2005
South America

The review reveals watershed management research as an interdisciplinary effort at multiple scales within a long-term movement towards informed participatory decision-making. Watersheds, together with aquifers, are the most important units for data collection and modeling in water management. Common property resources (CPRs) are of central importance, especially for low-income inhabitants. The exclusion of women from decision-making is a barrier to proper management as women often have the best understanding of CPR interrelations and management practices.

Landbouw of landschap? Ontwikkeling van grondgebruik in twee gebieden in Friesland

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2005

Wonseradeel-Noord en Twijzel-Buitenpost, twee agrarische gebieden in Friesland, kunnen als voorbeeld dienen voor het drielagenmodel van Minister Veerman. Het ene gebied heeft kansen voor agrarische productie voor de wereldmarkt en het andere is door natuurlijke handicaps aan beperkingen gebonden. Dit artikel brengt de ontwikkelingen en perspectieven in beeld.

Landelijk Grondgebruiksbestand Nederland (LGN5); vervaardiging, nauwkeurigheid en gebruik

Reports & Research
december, 2005

De snelle veranderingen die zich in Nederland voordoen met betrekking tot het gebruik van ruimte zorgen voor een voortdurende behoefte aan actuele informatie over het landgebruik. Het Landelijk Grondgebruiksbestand Nederland (LGN5) is een landsdekkend bestand en geeft het landgebruik weer voor 39 landgebruiksklassen verdeeld over de hoofdklassen agrarisch gebied, bossen, water, stedelijk gebied en natuur. De informatie is opgeslagen in 25*25 meter rastercellen. Het bestand is gebaseerd op satellietbeelden uit de jaren 2003 en 2004. Naast satellietbeelden is er informatie uit o.a.