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Transformaciones recientes en el sector agropecuario brasileño: lo que muestran los censos

Journal Articles & Books
november, 1999

Resumen Han pasado más de diez años desde la realización del último censo agropecuario. Con la publicación del nuevo censo es posible hacer un primer análisis de los cambios estructurales observados en el sector en el transcurso del período en cuestión. En el presente libro se investigan en profundidad las principales modificaciones en la estructura productiva y en el empleo de los factores productivos, especialmente la mano de obra y la tierra. La organización agraria brasileña ha sufrido significativas alteraciones durante la última década.

Approaches to the management of the Nexus : best practice

Conference Papers & Reports
augustus, 1999

Population, environment and agricultural development constitute an inter linked, mutually-reinforcing paradigm which affects the level of food insecurity and the depth of poverty in a developing region such as Africa. Apart from chronic food insecurity and acute poverty, Africa is faced with other daunting threats. These include escalating population growth, widespread malnutrition, inadequate sanitation, and scarcity of clean water, air pollution and severe land degradation.

Determinants of land use change: evidence from a community study in Honduras

Reports & Research
juni, 1999

This study investigates the micro-determinants of land use change using community, household and plot histories, an ethnographic method that constructs panel data from systematic oral recalls. A 20-year historical timeline (1975-1995) is constructed for the village of La Lima in central Honduras, based on a random sample of 97 plots. Changes in land use are examined using transition analysis and multinomial logit analysis.

Protección a la vida silvestre: ¿los buenos juicios prácticos de los campesinos pueden contar?: el caso de la zona entre Baeza y Cosanga, Provincia del Napo, Ecuador.

Reports & Research
juni, 1999

En esta tesis se investiga la presencia de valores que hace el oso de anteojos (Tremarctus ornatus F. Culvier 1825) y al maíz (Zea maíz L.) inconmensurables, razones por las cuales no se podría instaurar un sistema de compensación monetaria en pago por aceptar las pérdidas de maíz a cambio de que no se mate al animal. El área de investigación comprende parte de la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva Ecológica Antisana, específicamente entre los pueblos Baeza y Cosanga que se encuentran al este del Volcán Antisana, entrada al Oriente ecuatoriano.

Contribution of the Sahara and Sahel observatory to the first meeting of the committee of development information

Conference Papers & Reports
juni, 1999

The countries of circum-Sahara Africa adversely affected by desertification, their sub-regional organisations, their Northern partners and the concerned international organisations of the United Nations System have created the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) in May 1992. OSS's mission is conducted within the international framework of the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD) and Agenda 21 and aims to favour the development and the optimisation of its African partners' information wealth, for an optimal use of the means for combating desertification.

National Land Policy.

National Policies
mei, 1999

This policy provides the framework for addressing problems and constraints to ensure equity in land allocation and holding and to maintain a stable environment for the country's sustainable social and economic development.

The environment and water resource in Africa : Briefing paper series No.3

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 1999

This paper focuses on the environment and water resources in Africa. Africa is at a threshold of changes and faces challenges that will have a fundamental impact on the survival and prosperity of its people. These challenges are already manifesting themselves in many ways; the most significant of winch is the ability of

African states to ensure food security for a growing population on a sustained basis.

Woodfuel Production and Marketing in Myanmar - National Workshop RWEDP Report No.56, 2001

Reports & Research
maart, 1999

Despite the all-out efforts currently being made by the Myanmar Government to conserve and improve its forest resources, forest degradation and depletion are continuing at an alarming rate, mainly due to shifting cultivation, agricultural encroachment and illicit cutting. The heavy reliance on woodfuel has eroded its supply source in numerous areas and it is clear that unless urgent remedial measures are undertaken the more accessible forests will soon be exhausted and remote areas will have to be exploited instead, involving rising market prices.

Stratégie National et Plan D'Action de la Diversité Biologique du Tchad 1999.

National Policies
februari, 1999

La présente stratégie s’inscrit dans le cadre de la Convention Internationale sur la Diversité Biologique. Les objectifs de la stratégie sont de deux ordres, l’un de développement dont l’essence est la recherche de la sécurité alimentaire, et l’autre spécifique pour pallier cette recherche de la productivité avec la gestion rationnelle des ressources.