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Acuerdo Nº 191 - Determina y delimita el Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY) como Patrimonio de Áreas Naturales del Estado.

april, 1990

El presente Acuerdo, considerando que circunstancias de diferente índole propias de ese sector amazónico, establece la necesidad de una nueva determinación y delimitación del Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY), con la finalidad de respetar los asentamientos de comunidades aborígenes y proporcionando protección a zonas que no gozan de ese beneficio.

Enmienda: Acuerdo Nº 322 - Establece el Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY). (1979-07-26)

Land degradation and its control in the Kibwezi area, Kenya

Reports & Research
januari, 1990

Most of our semi-arid land is threatened with increased land deterioration due to
changes in land use especially in areas where soils have sealing properties which
hinder infiltration of rain- water. The study was carried out in Kibwezi Division,
Machakos District, a distance of 220 km. from Nairobi. It was designed to investigate
major causes of land deterioration following human settlement around 1963 and low
cost measures of reversing it.
The experiment was designed to investigate whether slashing bush and spreading

Land degradation, stocking rates and conservation policies in the communal rangelands of Botswana and Zimbabwe

december, 1989
Sub-Saharan Africa

This article suggests that communual rangeland management policies in Botswana and Zimbabwe are based on incorrect technical assumptions about the stability of semiarid rangelands, the nature of rangeland degradation, and the benefits of destocking. Consequently, inappropriate policies, stressing the need to destock and stabilise the rangelands, are pursued.Acknowledgement of the great instability but intrinsic resilience of rangeland would encourage the Governments to more favourable regard the opportunistic stocking strategies of the agro-pastoralists of the Communual Areas.

National Environment Action Plan (NEAP).

National Policies
december, 1989

This Action Plan is a nation-wide sectoral document aiming at helping the Government to maintain and improve the environment, including the marine and ocean area contained within the Exclusive Economic Zone, and to manage the resources contained therein for the collective benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations.