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Technical feasibility assessment of mini-hydropower development at selected sites in the Highlands of Ethiopia

december, 2021

Renewable energy sources are climate- and land-resource-smart development interventions. In Ethiopia, because of its topographic nature and high rainfall availability, mini-hydropower (MHP) is one of the most suitable renewable energy sources. However, it is variable in space and time, thus requiring accurate estimations regarding its potential for targeting investment. Because of a lack of discharge data and high resolution topographic data, and also because most MHP sites are located

Gender and Climate-relevant Agri-Food Systems Governance: A Strategic Evidence Review

december, 2021

There is a need to address gender inequalities in agri-food systems governance to close the gender gap and improve women's agency and participation in the agri-food sector. Women often face barriers to expressing their voices and exercising their agency in agri-food systems due to a lack of education and knowledge, which limits their ability to adopt and implement new farming techniques for improved yields.

Wake up and smell the coffee: Challenges and opportunities for better price transmission along the coffee value chain of El Salvador

december, 2021
El Salvador

The Alliance Bioversity International-CIAT implemented a study in El Salvador, whose goal was to make more transparent the costs and value-added along the coffee value chain, as well as to identify gaps and limitations that cause small and medium-sized farmers to remain in poverty and food insecurity, to make recommendations for policy action to make the value chain more equitable and environmentally sustainable. This brief summarizes the results of this study.

Appraising agroecological urbanism: A vision for the future of sustainable cities

december, 2021

By the mid-century, urban areas are expected to house two-thirds of the world’s population of approximately 10 billion people. The key challenge will be to provide food for all with fewer farmers in rural areas and limited options for expanding cultivated fields in urban areas, with sustainable soil management being a fundamental criterion for achieving sustainability goals. Understanding how nature works in a fast changing world and fostering nature-based agriculture (such as lowinput

Soil erosion and sediment yield analysis in semi-arid Tanzania (case study of Kongwa District)

december, 2021

Soil erosion is a most devastating geological hazard and it is a severe problem in central Tanzania especially in the semi-arid regions, and the resultant sediment yield creates threats to sustainable agriculture and ecosystems. But the execution of different mitigation initiatives and policies used to adopt conservation practises in agricultural lands are unsuccessful or in effective due to the lack of spatial information on soil erosion areas. This study attempts to analyze soil erosion prone areas and sediment yield in the Kongwa district using GIS and remote sensing technique.

One tree at a time: Restoring landscape connectivity through silvopastoral systems in transformed amazon landscapes

december, 2021

Due to the continued expansion of pastures and illicit crops, the Andes-Amazon foothills in Colombia are one of most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the country. Halting and restoring the connectivity of the landscapes transformed over the last 40 years and now dominated by extensive cattle ranching practices, represents a challenge. Silvopastoral systems (SPSs) have been proposed as a strategy to help conserve the biodiversity by improving landscape connectivity. However, understanding the contributions of SPSs to biodiversity conservation still requires additional research.

The livestock sector transformation in Ethiopia: the fundamental role of animal identification, registration, data recording and traceability systems

december, 2021

Livestock production in Ethiopia is predominated by extensive production systems where animals graze in communal grazing lands that exposes to disease transmission and indiscriminate breeding. Intensive stall feeding occurs, mostly in peri-urban settings, with cows mainly fed on straw and limited fresh forages. Animal movement within the country for herd replacement poses disease risk due to lack of movement control.

Bioversity International Financial Statements 2021: for the year ended 31 December: Including independent auditor's report

december, 2021

Bioversity International’s financial mandate includes maintaining accountability and transparency in its finances, and to evaluate and communicate direct impact from our work to our donors, partners and the wider research and development community.

Climate Smart Crop-Small Ruminant Value Chain: a Rapid Assessment of Gender Gaps and Opportunities In Doyogena, SNNPR, Ethiopia

december, 2021

The majority of smallholder farmers in Ethiopia depend on rainfall-fed subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods and are highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. To address the negative impacts of climate change, climate-smart agriculture technologies are implemented and practiced in Doyogena climate-smart landscape. However, there are specific CSA activities that need gender mainstreaming.