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Lessons from integrated seasonal forecast-crop modelling in Africa: a systematic review

december, 2021

Seasonal forecasts coupled with crop models can potentially enhance decision-making in smallholder farming in Africa. The study sought to inform future research through identifying and critiquing crop and climate models, and techniques for integrating seasonal forecast information and crop models. Peer-reviewed articles related to crop modelling and seasonal forecasting were sourced from Google Scholar, Web of Science, AGRIS, and JSTOR. Nineteen articles were selected from a search outcome of 530.

Sowing the wheat seeds of Afghanistan's future

december, 2021

Afghanistan is a country with diverse natural ecologies in a largely arid and mountainous region. The rural sector is still considered to drive economic potential. Current social, political and economic instability along with climatic challenges are driving food and water insecurity in the wider region. In the short term, it is likely that this and the associated challenges of displacement and unemployment can only be addressed by humanitarian intervention and agrifood and nutrition support.

Review of Existing Platforms, Gaps and Challenges in CIS delivery in Zambia

december, 2021

Understanding the information about the organizations that provide the data helps to identify the problems and challenges that arise in the generation and distribution of data in those organizations and help them to better solve and make them more efficient. The impotent issue identified through this survey is the low trend in the use of satellite-based data in information generation. Therefore, to avoid this, and strengthening the geospatial literacy, it is important to develop training programs on the use of Earth observation data.

Training on the Application of Climate Foresight Data in Enhancing Agricultural Policy Implementation and Decision- Making in Eastern and Central Africa

december, 2021

A paradigm shift is required in policies to make food systems sustainable. The climate foresight workshop highlights the critical role of collaborations between farmers and corporate, governmental, and entities involved in extension and training services as well as research and development. The workshop demonstrates that stakeholders (Fig. 2) at different dimensions of the climate service value chain and across different industries may collaborate to achieve shared, synergistic aims

Desk review report on agrobiodiversity, agroecology/nature-positive practices, and circular economy in Vietnam

december, 2021

The development of Vietnam's agriculture and rural areas in the period from now to 2030 is of particular interest to the Party and the State of Vietnam, determined in the direction of restructuring agriculture towards ecology, modern agriculture, and transforming thinking. agricultural production, linking agricultural production with industry and services, production with preservation, processing, consumption, and enhancement of the value chain (Resolution of the XIII Party Congress). Resolution No.

Climate Resilient Technologies/Practices to Support Pond Aquaculture and Beel Fisheries under APART, Assam, India

december, 2021

One of the probable reasons for this is the vulnerability of the state to the climate induced hazards like flood, erosion, drought, etc. which are adversely impacting the fishery sector of the state. In the year 2018, the state has launched World Bank assisted ‘Assam Agribusiness and Rural Transformation Project (APART)’ with fisheries as a subcomponent. Through this project, WorldFish is extending the technical support to the state with its international experience and expertise.

Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA): Grievance Mechanism

december, 2021

This Grievance Mechanism (GM) have been prepared to guide the receipt, management, and redress of complaints and questions from project affected persons and stakeholders of the Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project. It outlines the principles and provides arrangement for receiving, resolving and managing complaints from the community through the in-country research institution up to the Program Management Unit.

Adoption of improved soybean and gender differential productivity and revenue impacts: evidence from Nigeria

december, 2021

Despite the considerable soybean varietal improvement and dissemination efforts in Nigeria and other parts of Sub-Saharan Africa, empirical evidence on farm-level yield and revenue impacts of improved soybean varieties (ISVs) from a gender perspective are limited. In this paper, we analyze the impact of the adoption of ISVs on soybean yield and net revenue, and the associated gender differential effects in northern Nigeria. We use the endogenous and exogenous switching treatment effects regression frameworks to estimate the impacts.

Public policies for the development of a sustainable cattle sector in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica: A comparative analysis (2010–2020)

december, 2021

Projected food demand increases highlight the importance of Latin America as one of the big global future food suppliers, due to its agricultural potential, in particular regarding cattle farming. Despite the importance of the cattle sector for the region, its negative environmental impacts are numerous and the shift toward sustainability is perceived as slow and uncoordinated. This study aims at identifying successes and difficulties in the implementation of public policies for a sustainable cattle sector in Colombia, Argentina, and Costa Rica.