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Food System Impacts on Biodiversity Loss. Three Levers for Food System Transformation in Support of Nature

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2021

This paper explores the role of the global food system as the principal driver of accelerating biodiversity loss. It explains how food production is degrading or destroying natural habitats and contributing to species extinction. The paper outlines the challenges and trade-offs involved in redesigning food systems to restore biodiversity and/or prevent further biodiversity loss, and presents recommendations for action. The paper introduces three ‘levers’ for reducing pressures on land and creating a more sustainable food system.

Progress Towards the SDG Land Degradation and Restoration Commitments

Reports & Research
februari, 2021

Since the commitments and reporting requirements of the SDGs ov erlap significantly with those of the UNFCCC and UNCCD, policy designe rs have mutually reinforcing incentives to advance this SDG commitment. When env ironmental degradation is minimized and restoration efforts are prioritized , ecosystems can sequester and store more carbon and lessen the impact of some c limate change effects.

Life on land: Why it matters

Reports & Research
februari, 2021

What’s the goal here? To sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss. Two billion hectares of land on Earth are degraded, affecting some 3.2 billion people, driving species to extinction and intensifying climate change. Goal 15: Life on land Human life depends on the earth as much as the ocean for our sustenance and livelihoods. Plant life provides 80 percent of the human diet, and we rely on agriculture as an important economic resources.

Promoting the sustainability of terrestrial ecosystems and halting desertification, land degradation and biodiversity loss.

Reports & Research
februari, 2021

Facts and Figures: ➡ Every minute, 23 hectares of arable land are lost due to drought and desertification. ➡ Over the last two decades, approximately 20 per cent of the Earth’s vegetated surface has shown persistent declining trends in productivity, mainly due to unsustainable land and water use and management practices. ➡ Every year, 13 million hectares of forest are lost that are home to more than 80 per cent of all land-based species and which provide livelihood to 1.6 billion people.

Governing drylands as global environmental commons

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2021

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals requires drylands sustainability. Treating drylands as global environmental commons enables better tailored governance responses. Key nested governance elements for drylands involve setting goals, monitoring and delivering sanctions across scales. The present global governance system for drylands only partially delivers these elements. Drylands require a particular focus on linking local and global governance.

Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples

Reports & Research
februari, 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean

This report highlights the importance and urgency for climate action initiatives of protecting the forests of the indigenous and tribal territories1 and the communities that look after them. Based on recent experience, it proposes a package of investments and policies for climate funders and government decision-makers to adopt, in coordination with the indigenous and tribal peoples.

Los pueblos indígenas y tribales y la gobernanza de los bosques

Reports & Research
februari, 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean

El propósito de este informe es dejar en claro la importancia y urgencia para la acción climática de proteger a los bosques de los territorios indígenas y tribales y a las comunidades que los cuidan. Con base en la experiencia reciente, se propone un conjunto de inversiones y políticas para ser adoptadas por los financiadores climáticos y decisores gubernamentales, en coordinación con los pueblos indígenas y tribales.

Policy Brief: Forest governance by indigenous and tribal peoples

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2021
Latin America and the Caribbean

Indigenous and tribal peoples control about one third of Latin America and the Caribbean’s forests. Supporting their efforts to control, sustainably manage, and benefit from these forests can greatly help to solve the problems of climate change, loss of biological and cultural diversity, rural vulnerability, and food insecurity.

À la Une – Journée internationale des droits des femmes 2021

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2021

De plus en plus d’événements et de publications émaillent chaque année la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, signe que les enjeux de genre sont de plus en plus pris en compte et qu’en même temps, la route est longue. Cette année, le 8 mars a pris une dimension particulière avec la crise de la Covid-19.

Réformes foncières en Guinée : défis et perspectives pour la reconnaissance des droits légitimes

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2021

En Guinée, la législation foncière et les processus de réformes successifs ont montré leurs limites face à la multiplication des grands projets d’exploitation des terres et des ressources naturelles en milieu rural. Le gouvernement a lancé récemment de nouvelles réformes de sa gouvernance foncière.

Réformes foncières en Guinée : défis et perspectives pour la reconnaissance des droits légitimes

Policy Papers & Briefs
februari, 2021

En Guinée, la législation foncière et les processus de réformes successifs ont montré leurs limites face à la multiplication des grands projets d’exploitation des terres et des ressources naturelles en milieu rural. Le gouvernement a lancé récemment de nouvelles réformes de sa gouvernance foncière.