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Nested Interconnection: Transgressing Community-Based Natural Resource Management towards Innovating Collective Landscape Mobilization. A case of Boonrueng Wetland Forest Conservation against Land Conversion for Special Economic Zone in the North of Thail

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

This is a case about innovative approach of Boonrueng wetland forest conservation against land conversion for Special Economic Zone. Boonrueng wetland forest is the largest seasonal flooded forest in the Ing watershed located in the North of Thailand. It provides the high ecological functions and qualities of the tributary in the downstream Ing River, out-flowing into the Mekong River. The conversion of land for the economic regionalization in Chiang Khong district is geared up in 2015 and Boonrueng wetland forest was identified as an area for Special Economic Zone.

Foncier et séquestration du carbone dans les sols

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2018

Pour explorer les nexus entre les questions foncières et les mécanismes favorisant la séquestration du carbone dans les sols, et faire des recommandations pour une  meilleure prise en compte du foncier dans la mise en place de ces dispositifs, l’initiative « 4 pour 1000 » et le CTFD ont organisé les 13 et 14 décembre 2017 avec le soutien de l’AFD et de la Banque mondiale, une rencontre de haut niveau mobilisant spécialistes et experts. Ces 2 journées se sont structurées en 3 temps :

Are intervention methods and systems used by agroecology advocates pertinent and effective ?

Institutional & promotional materials
december, 2018
Western Africa

Agroecology being diverse and multidimensional, a broad range of issues were addressed such as the fundamental role of crop biodiversity, the highly preoccupying status of agrochemical use in the region, the need for appropriate-scale machinery, the importance of innovative and  participatory intervention mechanisms, the recognition and integration of Indigenous Knowledge, the capacity building of the new generation, the marketing of agroecological products…

Three main take home messages emerged from all the discussions:

Model Land Use Bill/Law (MLUB), 2018

Reports & Research
december, 2018
Sub-Saharan Africa

The Land Use Bill objective is to guarantee the continued existence of communal and family land in accordance with the culture and tradition of the people of Cross River State/Nigeria in so far as the culture and tradition are in accordance with equity, natural justice and good conscience. The bill proposes to fundamentally reform the land sector, liberalise state control over customary land, increase accessibility to land, and secure land rights for everyone interested in using land for development purposes. This document is a discussion draft of the Bill.

Analyses of land cover change trajectories leading to tropical forest loss : Illustrated for the West Kutai and MahakamUlu Districts, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

In Indonesia, land cover change for agriculture and mining is threatening tropical forests, biodiversity and ecosystem services. However, land cover change is highly dynamic and complex and varies over time and space. In this study, we combined Landsat-based land cover (change) mapping, pixel-to-pixel cross tabulations and expert knowledge to analyze land cover change and forest loss in the West Kutai and Mahakam Ulu districts in East Kalimantan from 1990-2009.

Global projections of future cropland expansion to 2050 and direct impacts on biodiversity and carbon storage

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Cropland expansion threatens biodiversity by driving habitat loss and impacts carbon storage through loss of biomass and soil carbon (C). There is a growing concern land use change (LUC) to cropland will result in a loss of ecosystem function and various ecosystem services essential for human health and wellbeing. This paper examines projections of future cropland expansion from an integrated assessment model IMAGE 3.0 under a 'business as usual' scenario and the direct impact on both biodiversity and C storage.

Land Use Conflicts in the Energy Transition: Dutch Dilemmas

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

The transition from fossil to renewable energy needs changes in land use. The development of renewable energy sources introduce extra and sometimes new externalities, such as shadows and noise on landscape. There are governments who are experiencing difficulties when developing renewable energy sources especially when existing land owners (and others) start anticipating on those externalities. Therewith, land use conflicts have become a major issue for governments in meeting renewable energy policy objectives.

Nature-based solutions for flood-drought risk mitigation in vulnerable urbanizing parts of East-Africa

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Urbanization and climate changes have direct impacts on ecosystems and the services they provide to society, thus influencing human well-being and health. Urban sprawl may conflict with ecosystem services, e.g. enhancing water-related stresses and risks of, e.g., droughts and floods, with significant economic, environmental and societal impacts. Such hydro-climatic extremes and their societal impacts are evident around the world. East Africa is a region with highly vulnerable populations to frequent floods and droughts.

Assessing impacts of soil management measures on ecosystem services

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Only a few studies have quantified and measured ecosystem services (ES) specifically related to soil. To address this gap, we have developed and applied a methodology to assess changes in ecosystem services, based on measured or estimated soil property changes that were stimulated by soil management measures (e.g., mulching, terracing, no-till). We applied the ES assessment methodology in 16 case study sites across Europe representing a high diversity of soil threats and land use systems.

Understanding the spontaneous spreading of stone bunds in Ethiopia : Implications for sustainable land management

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

This study deals with the spontaneous spreading of stone bunds in the central Ethiopian highlands, i.e., the adoption and implementation of stone bunds by farmers on their own initiative. The study tests the hypothesis that spontaneously implemented stone bunds, as compared to stone bunds implemented by mass mobilization campaigns, are more integrated with other land management practices and lead to higher yields. Data are collected in the Girar Jarso woreda through field observations and household surveys.

Soilwater conservation : Dynamics and impact

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Human needs like food and clean water are directly related to good maintenance of healthy and productive soils. A good understanding of human impact on the natural environment is therefore necessary to preserve and manage soil and water resources. This knowledge is particularly important in semi-arid and arid regions, where the increasing demands on limited water supplies require urgent efforts to improve water quality and water use efficiency. It is important to keep in mind that both soil and water are limited resources.

Is land fragmentation facilitating or obstructing adoption of climate adaptation measures in Ethiopia?

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2018

Land fragmentation is high and increasing in the Gamo Highlands of southwest Ethiopia. We postulate that this substantial land fragmentation is obstructing the adoption of sustainable land management practices as climate adaptation measures. To explore this, a mixed method study was conducted with emphasis on a multivariate probit model. The results indicate that farmers adapt to climate change and variability they perceive.