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Mixed-species allometric equations and estimation of aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in restoring degraded landscape in northern Ethiopia

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2018

Accurate biomass estimation is critical to quantify the changes in biomass and carbon stocks following the restoration of degraded landscapes. However, there is lack of site-specific allometric equations for the estimation of aboveground biomass (AGB), which consequently limits our understanding of the contributions of restoration efforts in mitigating climate change. This study was conducted in northwestern Ethiopia to develop a multi-species allometric equation and investigate the spatial and temporal variation of C-stocks following the restoration of degraded landscapes.

International Cooperative Development of Techniques for Sustainability when Managing and Restoring Degraded Rangelands

Conference Papers & Reports
februari, 2018

In the United States 20% of privately owned rangelands are vulnerable to accelerated soil loss. Estimated annual costs of direct and indirect damage caused by soil erosion in the United States is $27 billion dollars. More than 50% of Asia and 70% of Middle Eastern rangelands are degraded. Exact estimates of economic costs and total area degraded is unknown; however, costs may be significantly higher than in the United States due to the extent of degradation/desertification in these regions.

Applying Ostrom’s institutional analysis and development framework to soil and water conservation activities in north-western Ethiopia

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2018

Sustainable land management is of utmost importance in Ethiopia and relies on Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) measures collectively implemented by smallholders through participatory processes. This paper contributes systematic evidence on how SWC strategies are implemented and how participation is operationalized.

Public-private partnership in enhancing farmers’ adaptation to drought: Insights from the Lujiang Flatland in the Nu River (Upper Salween) valley, China

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2018
United Kingdom
United States of America

Agriculture is an important type of land use but suffers from drought, especially under global climate change scenarios. Although government is a major actor in helping farmers to adapt to drought, lack of funds has constrained its efforts. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mechanism has been widely applied in urban infrastructure development to raise fund for public goods and services, but very few studies explored its role in rural areas.

Energy crops, the edible oil processing industry and land use paradigms in Romania–An economic analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2018

The purpose of this research is to explore the issue of the land used for sunflower and its production as raw material for edible oil processing industry in Romania. The relations between consumption, as main component of demand, and production and import, as sources of supply, on the sunflower oil market are investigated. The case study of the edible oil market is discussed because of the alarming growth in imports after Romania’s accession to the European Union and, furthermore, because of sunflower crop implications on land use in the context of the food vs. fuel competition.

Green niche actors navigating an opaque opportunity context: Prospects for a sustainable transformation of Ethiopian agriculture

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2018

Identifying trajectories of agricultural development that enable substantial increases in food production is of prime importance for food security and human development in Sub-Saharan Africa in general, and Ethiopia in particular. To ensure long-term welfare for people and landscapes, it is imperative that such agricultural transformations sustain and enhance the natural resource base upon which agriculture depends.

Bridging funding gaps for climate and sustainable development: Pitfalls, progress and potential of private finance

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2018

In a world where natural capital is often unpriced or undervalued, thus making resource exploitation very lucrative, environmentally degrading activities will continue to dominate the economy. The past decade has seen a bourgeoning interest in scaling up private investment to address persistent socioeconomic and environmental challenges globally. The recently formulated sustainable development goals and global climate agenda have further heightened the urgency for a more holistic and integrated conceptualization of transitioning towards a sustainable low-carbon economy.

Varieties of agri-environmental schemes in China: A quantitative assessment

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2018

Agri-environmental schemes have become an effective policy measure to prompt farmers to protect rural farmland and landscapes. In recent years, 17 provincial governments including Sichuan, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Guangxi and Guangdong have shown increasing interest in promoting local experimentation with agri-environmental schemes.

Ghana: en defensa de los derechos de propiedad y la compensación justa para las comunidades forestales

Institutional & promotional materials
januari, 2018

Ghana’s work to promote the legal timber trade, in partnership with the European Union (EU), strongly emphasizes involving local communities who live in or near forests. Yet many farmers and communities don’t understand their rights, which means that illegal activity by loggers has gone unchecked in Ghana’s off-reserve forests.

Ghana: Championing rights and fair compensation for forest communities

Institutional & promotional materials
januari, 2018
United Kingdom

Ghana’s work to promote the legal timber trade, in partnership with the European Union (EU), strongly emphasizes involving local communities who live in or near forests. Yet many farmers and communities don’t understand their rights, which means that illegal activity by loggers has gone unchecked in Ghana’s off-reserve forests.

ProTierras Zacatecas

Institutional & promotional materials
januari, 2018

En este folleto se brinda información general sobre el Proyecto de Promoción del Manejo Sostenible de la Tierra (ProTierras), cuyo objetivo es reducir la degradación de tierras mediante el desarrollo de un modelo de gestión territorial sustentable. Específicamente se explica la problemática y mecanismos de intervención que presenta una de las zonas piloto de atención del proyecto: la microregión de Pánuco, Zacatecas