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Confronting the Food–Energy–Environment Trilemma: Global Land Use in the Long Run

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Economic, agronomic, and biophysical drivers affect global land use, so all three influences need to be considered in evaluating economically optimal allocations of the world’s land resources. A dynamic, forward-looking optimization framework applied over the course of the coming century shows that although some deforestation is optimal in the near term, in the absence of climate change regulation, the desirability of further deforestation is eliminated by mid-century.

Fifty Years on: Long‐term Patterns of Land Sensitivity to Desertification in Italy

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

The Mediterranean region has been regarded as a critical hotspot for desertification due to the impact of soil degradation, the land‐use changes and the climate variations. Few large‐scale studies have been devoted to analyse trends in land sensitivity to desertification in the northern Mediterranean basin. The present paper contributes to this deserving issue by quantifying the level of land sensitivity to desertification in Italy at seven points between 1960 and 2010 at a fine spatial scale.

Sediment in Alluvial and Lacustrine Debris Fans as an Indicator for Land Degradation Around Lake Ashenge (Ethiopia)

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Sediments deposited by (paleo) flash floods can hold valuable information on processes of environmental change, land degradation or desertification. In order to assess the suitability of flash flood deposits as proxies for land degradation, we monitored a representative gully segment in North Ethiopia (Ashenge catchment), investigated a sequence of alluvial debris fans downstream of this segment and dated a neighbouring subaquatic debris fan using short‐lived ²¹⁰Pb isotope counting.

Scaling up of Sustainable Land Management in the Western People's Republic of China: Evaluation of a 10‐Year Partnership

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

The People's Republic of China‐Global Environment Facility Partnership to Combat Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems promotes an integrated ecosystem management (IEM) approach to restore, sustain and enhance the productive capacity of dryland ecosystems. This paper provides an analysis and synthesis of the funding strategies, methods and approaches that have been applied and tested under the Partnership to pilot and scale up IEM and sustainable land management (SLM) practices in the western People's Republic of China under its first 10 years.

Linking Land Cover Changes in the Sub‐Alpine and Montane Belts to Changes in a Torrential River

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Channel changes are the consequence of changes in sediment yield from the slopes and in the connectivity between slopes and channels because of distinct land use and climate impacts. In this study, we investigated the characteristics and evolution of a short reach in the headwater of the Ijuez River, central–southern Pyrenees. Assessment of a series of sedimentary and geomorphic structures confirmed major changes to the valley bottom, mainly related to changes in the intensity of human activity.

Soil Erosion in Steep Road Cut Slopes in Palencia (Spain)

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Construction associated to land development, such as roads and railroads, promote severe land degradation. Cutslope sediment yield is one of the major pollutants on waters close to the road and railroad network. To estimate road impact, soil erosion (E), sediment yield (SY) and morphological evolution of a railroad cut in Palencia (Spain), were studied using erosion nails, during the periods 1998–1999, 1999–2000 and 2000–2010. Data from two sample plots were analyzed by an ANOVA for repeated measures.

Spatial Assessment of Land Degradation Risk for the Okavango River Catchment, Southern Africa

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016
Southern Africa

The Okavango catchment in southern Africa is subject to environmental as well as socio‐economic transformation processes such as population growth and climate change. The degradation of soil and vegetation by deforestation and overgrazing is one of the downsides of this development, reducing the capacity of the land to provide ecosystem functions and services. In this study, climate simulations are brought together with secondary socioeconomic, pedologic and remote‐sensing data in a GIS‐based assessment of the factors commonly associated with land degradation risk.

Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on Groundwater Recharge Using a Hybrid Method

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

In this study, a new framework was developed for the estimation of groundwater recharge based on a hybrid method. In this regard, the homogeneous recharge zones were determined by the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The recharge rates in these zones were calculated using the Thornthwaite and Mather’s method. These zones and their recharge rates were entered into the MODFLOW model. Next, the modeling processes, modification of recharge, and calibration of empirical models were interactively continued in the MODFLOW.

Environmental changes in the Polish agriculture - toward the bio-economy

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2016

This paper attempts to provide an interdisciplinary concept of the bio-economy in the context of environmental changes in the Polish agriculture. Various definitions of bio-economy have been presented and its place in the sustainable development theory has been described. The aim of this paper is to present the environmental changes in Polish agriculture in the context of the bio-economy. For this purpose uses the information published by the Central Statistical Office and Eurostat. To showcase and presentation methods were used descriptive and tabular.

Water Efficient Cropping Systems for Semi-Arid Regions in Pakistan

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Water scarcity and land degradation are emerging threats to global food production. The dry land regions of world are affected by climate change to a greater extent and facing food insecurity. The current pattern of food production has been estimated to be inadequate to meet demands of growing population and required around 38% increase to meet world`s food demands by 2025. Food insecurity in erosion hit dry land regions of Pakistan also demands development of resource-efficient cropping systems to meet the food needs of population growing.

Influence of temperature on biomass production of clones of Atriplex halimus

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

A very effective tool to combat desertification is revegetation. Promising species for this purpose are the evergreen shrubs of the genus Atriplex. The objective of the research was to study the growing responses of Atriplex halimus under different thermal regimes and to evaluate the biomass accumulation of selected clones. The test was carried out in four sites of Sardinia Island (Italy) characterized by different latitude, altitude and air temperature trends along the year. In every site, potted plants of five clones of A.