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Soil degradation and food security coupled with global climate change in northeastern China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

The northeastern China is an important commodity grain region in China, as well as a notable corn belt and major soybean producing area. It thus plays a significant role in the national food security system. However, large-scale land reclamation and non-optimum farming practices give rise to soil degradation in the region. This study analyzed the food security issues coupled with global climate change in the northeastern China during 1980–2000, which is the period of modern agriculture.

impact of mediterranean land degradation on agricultural income: A short-term scenario

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

The present study estimates the potential costs of land degradation (LD) in agriculture at the national scale in Italy during 2000–2006 and provides a medium-term scenario for 2015 based on changes in climate conditions and human pressure. According to the user cost approach, a depletion factor (S) to agricultural income has been derived from the observed changes in a composite index of land sensitivity to degradation. Based on S figures, the investigated area has been classified into five risk categories from ‘negligible’ to ‘high’.

Carbon blinkers and policy blindness: The difficulties of ‘Growing Our Woodland in Wales’

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

The need for climate change mitigation has led to a recent upsurge in policies aimed to deliver re-afforestation across the globe, but with mixed successes observed depending upon the levels of private land ownership and ability of governments to engage land managers. This paper evaluates a new government-led scheme in Wales, which is intended to increase woodland cover from 14% to 20% by 2030 to offset the greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture.

Fifty years of herpetological research in the Namib Desert and Namibia with an updated and annotated species checklist

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

Namibia is mostly an arid and semi-arid country with a high number of reptile and fewer amphibian species. We review the herpetological literature dealing with Namibian species over the past fifty years, and provide up-to-date amphibian and reptile accounts using a widely accepted taxonomy and nomenclature. We critically discuss species accounts, draw attention to the historical development of species inventories for the country, and indicate species endemism for Namibia and the Namib Desert.

Land use and land cover change and driving mechanism in the arid inland river basin: a case study of Tarim River, Xinjiang, China

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

Identifying the primary causes and examining the processes and trends of land use change are crucial for land use planning, utilization of regional resources and environment management. Combining the ecological quantity analysis with GIS technology, based on the land use data and remote sense images, the changes of land use and land cover and the driving force were analyzed in the mainstream of the Tarim River from 1973 to 2005.

Deforestation and landscape structure changes related to socioeconomic dynamics and climate change in Zagros forests

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

The Zagros region of western Iran has been affected by the recent changes both in amount and in structure of forest cover. We evaluated the influence of several driving forces on forest cover and structure, including socioeconomic (urban and rural population and rural income) and climatic (mean annual rainfall and mean annual temperature) variables. We acquired all time series Landsat images of a study site from 1972 to 2009. The images were classified to produce a land cover map of each year.

Vertical distribution and influencing factors of soil water content within 21-m profile on the Chinese Loess Plateau

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

In arid and semiarid regions that have deep soils, plant root systems can extract soil water to a depth of 20m or more. An accurate evaluation of soil water conditions in such regions is essential in order to improve the understanding of the role of soils as a water pool and to design scientifically based water management strategies. However, the vertical distribution of soil water and its storage in deeper layers are unclear due to the shortage of field data.

Modeling landscape dynamics in the central Brazilian savanna biome: future scenarios and perspectives for conservation

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013
South America

Recognized as one of the richest and most extensive savannas in the world, the Cerrado region, the second largest biome in South America, presents an intense and continuous human-induced land-cover change, which has already affected around 40% of its original area. In the pursuit of orientation and planning for current and long-term occupation, in this work we present plausible deforestation scenarios for the entire Cerrado biome, to 2050.

Evaluation of MODIS gross primary productivity and land cover products for the humid tropics using oil palm trees in Peninsular Malaysia and Google Earth imagery

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

Conducting quantitative studies on the carbon balance or productivity of oil palm is important in understanding the role of this ecosystem in global climate change. In this study, we evaluated the accuracy of MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) annual gross primary productivity (GPP) (the product termed MOD-17) and its upstream products, especially the MODIS land cover product (the product termed MOD-12). We used high-resolution Google Earth images to classify the land cover classes and their percentage cover within each 1 km spatial resolution MODIS pixel.

Object-based identification of vegetation cover decline in irrigated agro-ecosystems in Uzbekistan

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013
Central Asia

The sustainability of irrigated croplands in Central Asia is threatened by degradation of their productive function. To quantify the extent of the cropland degradation, this paper combines object-based change detection and spectral mixture analysis for vegetation cover decline mapping in irrigated agro-ecosystems in Uzbekistan based on multitemporal Landsat TM images from 1998 to 2009. The results of the change detection reveal that the cadastral field parcels, characterized by vegetation cover decrease, occupied 18% (52,938 ha) of the cropland area.

comparison of scenarios for rural development planning and conservation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

Including a diverse set of stakeholders in collaborative land use planning processes is facilitated by data and maps that communicate and inform an array of possible planning options and potential scenarios of future land use change. In northern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) has engaged stakeholders and the DRC Government to lead a participatory zoning process in the Maringa–Lopori–Wamba (MLW) Landscape.

Assessing potential desertification environmental impact in life cycle assessment. Part 2: agricultural case study in Spain and Argentina

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2013

PURPOSE: Land use in dry lands can result in a final stage where land is completely depleted or entirely degraded causing the desertification phenomenon. The first part (part 1) of this series of two articles proposed a methodology to include desertification in life cycle assessment (LCA). A set of variables to be measured in the life cycle inventory, characterization factors, and an impact assessment method for the life cycle impact assessment phase were proposed.