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Land Degradation in Jordan – Review of knowledge resources

Reports & Research
november, 2012
Western Asia

This publication is a baseline assessment reviewing the current knowledge of land degradation in the rangelands of Jordan - known as Badia - with a special focus on its causes. It includes a review of current legislation and on-going initiatives to combat land degradation, along with an analysis of the main constraints limiting their effectiveness.

Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (Chinese version)

Manuals & Guidelines
november, 2012

The primary goal of the "Voluntary Guidelines for the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests within the Scope of National Food Security" is to achieve food security for all and to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food within the scope of national food security.

REDD-Net Asia-Pacific Bulletin #6: Adaptation, Forests and REDD+

Institutional & promotional materials
november, 2012
South-Eastern Asia

Natural disaster management and agriculture tend to dominate discussions on climate change adaptation. But forests matter too. In fact, they matter a lot. Recent research is beginning to uncover just how much forest-based products and services contribute to the livelihoods of rural communities globally – now believed to be approximately one-fifth to one-quarter of household income. We need to begin paying more attention to how forests can increase the resilience of communities to impending climate change impacts.

A sustentabilidade ambiental como direcionador estratégico ao processo de reindustrialização no Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2012
América do Sul

O presente trabalho objetiva apresentar uma proposta de direcionamento político e econômico para a indústria brasileira, voltando-se para um contexto de sustentabilidade ambiental como posicionamento estratégico na competitividade internacional, servindo assim como uma alternativa de combate ao atual processo de desindustrialização no país.

21 Issues for the 21st Century: Result of the UNEP Foresight Process on Emerging Environmental Issues

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2012

The UNEP foresight report contains a description of the 21 emerging environmental issues identified through the UNEP Foresight Process. The process resulted in a list of 21 emerging environmental issues tagged 21 Issues for the 21st Century covering the major themes of the global environment including food, land, freshwater, marine, biodiversity, climate change, energy, waste, and technology, as well important cross-cutting issues ranging from the need for better environmental governance, to the need for human behavioral change towards the environment.

PowerPoint Presentation: Towards a better understanding of land and soil degradation in Europe

november, 2012

We recognize the economic and social significance of good land management, including soil, We stress that desertification, land degradation and drought are challenges of a global dimension and continue to pose serious challenges to the sustainable development of all countries, We recognize the need for urgent action to reverse land degradation. In view of this, we will strive to achieve a land-degradation neutral world in the context of sustainable development. Measuring Land degradation is a challenge ①Declining land-productivity ≠ Land degradation e.g.

Land and conflict: Toolkit and guidance for preventing and managing land and natural resources conflict

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2012

The five components of the toolkit - Land, Extractive Industries, Renewable Resources, Strengthening Capacity & Resource-Rich Economies - all aim to demonstrate how well-managed natural resources can prevent conflict or contribute to peace and sustainable development in war-torn nations. The linkages between natural resources and violent conflict are a critical challenge faced by many countries today.

Towards Sustainable Land Management in the Pamir-Alai Mountains. Policy Brief No. 5

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2012

The Global Environment Facility (GEF)/United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)/United Nations University (UNU) PALM project is an initiative of the governments of Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan which aims to restore, sustain and enhance the productive and protective functions of the transboundary ecosystems of the High Pamir and Pamir-Alai mountains, so as to improve the social and economic well-being of the rural communities and households utilizing the region's ecosystem resources to meet their livelihood needs, while preserving its unique landscape and globally important biodiversity.

The Double Burden of Malnutrition

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
november, 2012

The Double Burden of Malnutrition (DBM) is the coexistence of both under nutrition and over nutrition in the same population across the life course. 'Across the life course' refers to the phenomenon that under nutrition early in life contributes to an increased propensity for over nutrition in adulthood. The DBM affects all countries, rich and poor, and is a particular concern in countries with high stunting rates. The consequences of the DBM are enormous; early life under nutrition is an underlying cause associated with about a third of young child deaths.

APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION - China’s trade in illegal timber (text, video and Burmese press release)

Reports & Research
november, 2012

This report covers several countries in Asia and Africa....."Myanmar contains some of the most significant
natural forests left in the Asia Pacific region,
host to an array of biodiversity and vital to the
livelihoods of local communities. Forests are
estimated to cover 48 per cent of the country’s
land. Yet other recent estimates put forest
cover at just 24 per cent.
These vital forests are disappearing rapidly. Myanmar has one
of the worst rates of deforestation on the planet, with 18 per