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Deforestation in the Ayeyarwady Delta and the Conservation Implications of an Internationally Engaged Myanmar

Reports & Research
september, 2011

... Myanmar is a country of huge biodiversity importance that is undergoing major political change, bringing with it new international engagement. This includes access to international markets, which will likely spur investment in export-oriented agriculture, leading to increased pressures on already threatened ecosystems. This scenario is illustrated in the Ayeyarwady Delta, the country’s agricultural heartland sustaining high deforestation rates. Using the Delta as a model system, we use an integrated

Adapting to Climate Variability

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
augustus, 2011

Adaptation to human-induced climate change is currently receiving a lot of attention in international development circles. But throughout human existence, natural resource-dependent people have exploited and coped with the effects of climate variability on the ecosystems from which they derive a living. Learning from this experience can help inform the design of appropriate policies for responding to human-induced climate change.

Pago de servicios ambientales: Logros y fracasos de un mecanismo de Mercado para detener la deforestación. El caso de Costa Rica (1996 a 2000)

Journal Articles & Books
augustus, 2011
Costa Rica

El Pago de Servicios Ambientales fue promulgado por ley en Costa Rica en 1996 para aprovechar la naciente propuesta internacional del mercado del carbono. Sin embargo, las contradicciones políticas que han caracterizado la discusión sobre la disminución del calentamiento global, han retrasado el despegue de este mercado. Entre tanto, Costa Rica tiene listo un esquema de protección del bosque que cifra todas sus esperanzas en el éxito de este incierto mercado.

State of the Cities Report 2011 - Towards resilient cities

Conference Papers & Reports
juli, 2011
South Africa

South African cities are under the national and international spotlight again. Community protests over service delivery, disputes about councillor selection, mismanagement and underspending of municipal budgets, and recurrent billing problems have attracted growing public concern. Yet cities have also been fêted for rekindling a spirit of national unity during 2010, delivering world-class transport schemes and leading the economy out of recession.

Community Forestry: Key to Solving Current and Emerging Challenges, Second Regional Forum Report 2011

Conference Papers & Reports
juli, 2011
South-Eastern Asia

Over 200 participants including 134 international delegates from 20 countries convened on 8–9 August 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand, for two days of deliberations on the potential of community forestry to address some of the biggest challenges we face today. Be it persistent rural poverty, climate change, governance, deforestation, or rights of indigenous and local people, there were questions raised and solutions offered in several packed sessions ending in a Vision 2020 exercise and a Call for Action at the close of the Forum.

Liberia's Cash for Work Temporary Employment Project

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2011

Together with reductions in indirect taxes on food imports, cash for work programs were one of the main responses implemented by African governments following the food, fuel, and financial crisis of recent years. The main objective of those programs was to help the poor cope with the various shocks by increasing their net earnings through community-level work paid for under the programs. Yet it is unclear whether these cash for work programs indeed reached their intended beneficiaries and to what degree they generated other, potentially long-term beneficial impacts.

Variabilidad genética de la avifauna de las tierras altas de Costa Rica: Consecuencias del calentamiento global.

Reports & Research
juli, 2011
Costa Rica

Determinar la susceptibilidad de un grupo de aves pertenecientes a diferentes líneas evolutivas (e.g.trochilidae, tyrannidae, emberizidae) a los cambios ambientes que pueden ocurrir como consecuencia del incremento en la temperatura atmosférica y evaluar la variabilidad genética de varias especies de aves, para identificar aquellas especies que serian más sensibles a cambios en los bosques de zonas altas de Costa Rica.

Guyana Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2011-2015.

National Policies
juni, 2011

Guyana Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2011 – 2015 is a confirmation of the path taken in 2001 with the Guyana’s first PRSP and it is a review of the key developments outlined at that time. Goals of the Strategy are: (i) generating economic growth; (ii) improving social services’ provision; (iii) enhancing governance structures; and (iv) progressing towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

La Reserva de Biósfera Yasuní y el turismo sostenible : la construcción del proyecto de la REST desde la interacción sociopolítica de actores

Reports & Research
juni, 2011

En una de las regiones más diversas del Ecuador, la Región Amazónica específicamente en las provincias de Orellana y Pastaza, se encuentra una de las áreas protegidas más significativas del país, el Parque Nacional Yasuní (PNY) declarado como tal en julio de 1979. Diez años más tarde, la importancia de esta zona llegó a ser reconocida a nivel internacional, cuando en 1989 la UNESCO proclamó al parque y sus alrededores como reserva de biósfera.

Rural strategy, water management and irrigation,

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2011

A Nemzeti Vidékstratégiai Koncepció(Vidékfejlesztési Minisztérium, 2011) vitaanyagánakelőszava a természeti erőforrásokfelértékelődésére, a természeti környezetvédelmére, valamint a mezőgazdaságés a vidék szoros kapcsolatára hívja fela figyelmet. Ennek tükrében élelmiszerelőállításcsak a talajok, az ivóvízbázisokés a táj fenntartását eredményező, a jó környezetiállapotot és az élővilág sokszínűségétmegőrző, valamint a vidéki életformát,a helyi közösségeket és kultúrát megóvó jóminőségű és biztonságos alapanyagokraépülő termelés mellett értelmezhető.