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Place-based solutions for global social-ecological dilemmas:

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2023

The Amazon has a diverse array of social and environmental initiatives that adopt forest-based land-use practices to promote rural development and support local livelihoods. However, they are often insufficiently recognized as transformative pathways to sustainability and the factors that explain their success remain understudied.

Putting the Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure and the Voluntary Guidelines on Small-Scale Fisheries into practice

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2022

This learning guide provides civil society organizations (CSOs) with a methodology and a set of materials to undertake training on the VGGT and SSF Guidelines with civil society actors from the grassroots to the national level. Trainees will learn how to apply the VGGT to actual tenure governance challenges. They will also learn to use the SSF Guidelines, which reinforce the principles of the VGGT specifically in the context of small-scale fisheries.

Cuestión Agraria Nº 5: Movimientos Sociales Agrarios

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2021
América Latina y el Caribe

Este artículo examina los paralelismos, similitudes e interconexiones entre el populismo contemporáneo de derecha y el populismo de los movimientos agrarios. En parte, ambos tienen vínculos con sus bases sociales rurales. Se explora una agenda tanto para el diálogo político como para las investigaciones que contribuyan a dividir las filas del populismo de derecha y, a la vez, unificar a quienes lo afrontan democráticamente. El desafío es cómo transformar las interconexiones identificadas hacia un proyecto político de izquierda que erosione el populismo de derecha.

Traditional leaders in Zambia shift gender norms and strengthen women’s land rights

juni, 2021

For many decades communities in West and Central Africa have been facing industrial oil palm plantations encroaching onto their community land. With the false promise of bringing ‘developmentand jobs;corporations;backed up by the support of the governments;have been granted millions of hectares of land under concessions for industrial oil palm plantations. The results of this expansion have been disastrous for communities living in and around these industrial plantations and in particular for women.

Land Restitution in Postconflict Burundi

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2021

With the end of the civil war in Burundi, the government began a transitional justice process to consolidate peace and deal with the legacies of past violations. Part of the transitional justice work in the country has been restitution of land and other property – a process that has provoked further violence and, to some extent, threatened national unity. Political elites have hijacked the land restitution process in a way that has shaped land conflicts on the ground and affected national politics.

Résolutions février 2021

Peer-reviewed publication
januari, 2021
Afrique centrale

Plus les mois avancent et plus l’on constate une détérioration des libertés individuelles et collectives dans nos pays. » C’est le cri d’alarme lancé par une cinquantaine de partenaires internationaux à travers une enquête réalisée l’été dernier par les membres de la direction internationale du Secours Catholique-Caritas France.

Small Grants Programme: 25 years of engagement with Indigenous Peoples

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2020

A key purpose of this publication is to provide an account of SGP’s experience working with Indigenous Peoples over the last twenty-five years. The publication celebrates past achievements and advances critical lessons that can be used in forging new partnerships with Indigenous Peoples in future programming cycles, including opportunities to employ blended finance solutions.

Creating an enabling environment for responsible investment in agriculture and food systems - Reform

november, 2020

This course, designed for policy makers, government staff and civil society, provides guidance on driving reforms that strengthen policy, legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks for responsible agricultural investment (RAI). It provides support to design the reform strategy, establish multi-stakeholder consultation processes for decision-making and enhance the role of regulatory processes in creating an enabling environment for responsible agricultural investment.

Follow the Money to Justice

november, 2020

This resource is for advocates working to support communities who have been affected by harmful investment projects. It will help you follow the money to identify and analyze the companies, investors and other actors behind these projects. It also explains how to collect evidence and develop tailored advocacy strategies to hold these actors accountable and defend land, housing and resource rights.


Conference Papers & Reports
oktober, 2020
América Latina y el Caribe

Esta memoria recoge las ponencias de los especialistas y representantes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil que participaron en el XI Foro de la Tierra ALC denominado “Desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe: impacto y propuestas para la gobernanza de la tierra” , realizado del martes 13 al viernes 16 de octubre de forma virtual debido a la situación de emergencia sanitaria mundial por la COVID-19.


Institutional & promotional materials
september, 2020
América Latina y el Caribe

Declaración emitida por las 50 organizaciones integrantes de la ILC ALC, de 16 países de América Latina y el Caribe, reunidas virtualmente en la XIII Asamblea regional y en el XI Foro de la Tierra de América Latina y el Caribe 2020 que se realizó sobre el tema: “Desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe: impacto y propuestas para la gobernanza de la tierra”, después de reflexionar sobre la desigualdad y las implicancias para los pueblos indígenas, campesinos y afrodescendientes que viven de la tierra y en sus territorios, y considerando particularmente el impacto en las mujeres y jóvenes, e