Land and Property Valuation for Sustainable Urbanization
Umoja- Operationalizing The Afcfta Through Communal Land Reform Policies
Umoja (noun):/ooh-moh-jah/Umoja, is the Swahili philosophy of unity. Its principles underscore the significance of cooperation and communal solidarity. Umoja has historically been associated with various aspects of African social and political life, accentuating the influence of communal synergy in traditional land tenure systems.
Un Nouveau Paradigme De Gestion Du Patrimoine Foncier National En Mauritanie Pour Une Meilleure Introduction De L’Agrobusiness
Context and planMauritania has immense land reserves. Its national land bank is estimated at 502,000 ha, more than enough to promote agribusiness and achieve food self-sufficiency.
State of Land Information in Zambia
This State of Land Information (SOLI) report is an analysis of the current state of land data in Zambia, assessing the availability of land information and the compliance of this information with open data standards.
Implementing Sustainable Development Goals In Zambia: Realizing Women’S Access To State Land
Context and Background:The Government of the Republic of Zambia has strengthened the policy and legal frameworks to support gender equality and women's empowerment.
Access To Land For Women In Ethiopia
Context and backgroundAccess to land and productive resources for women is low in many countries especiallyin the developing world where there are less secure property rights in general. .Though there is no clear indication as to which groups should be considered vulnerable in Ethiopia, the groups mentioned under section two are practically considered vulnerable.
Informal Real Estate Markets: Exploring The Controversies In The Literature
Are “informal real estate markets” really markets? Alternatively, are “informal property rights” tradable? A few years ago, just the mention of these concepts in a title would render it a misnomer. The aim of this paper is to explore the controversies in literature around the use of the concept “informal real estate markets”.
Understanding Protracted Resource-Based Conflicts In The Horn Of Africa: The Case Of North Wollo Amhara And Zone 4 Of Afar In Ethiopia
Prolonged communal resource conflicts have undermined development and exacerbated poverty in North Wollo Amhara and neighboring Afar communities in Ethiopia for over two decades. Finding a permanent solution appears to elude all stakeholders mainly because of the inadequate understand of the underlying and proximate causes of these communal resource conflicts.
Du Code Domanial Et Foncier À La Loi Domaniale Et Foncière: La Réalité De La Reconnaissance Des Droits Fonciers Coûtumiers Est-Elle En Cause Au Mali ?
Context and backgroundIn 2017 Mali developed a law recognizing the customary land rights of local populations called the "Loi sur le Foncier Agricole" (LFA, Farmland Land Law).
Context and backgroundIn the last few years, Blockchain technology has been taking the world by a storm. While it is true that its success has increased with the emergence of the Bitcoin, the world is becoming increasingly aware that the Blockchain is ...
Exploration De La Technologie Blockchain Pour Le Secteur Foncier
Property Valuation Theory: Implications For Policy And Practice In Zimbabwe
Context and background There is a reciprocal relationship between theory, policy and practice. Property valuation as practiced today is elucidated by certain standards and policies which are based on theoretical foundations.