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Land Registration (General) Regulations, 2017 (S.I. No. 278 of 2017).

december, 2017

These Regulations of the Cabinet Secretary implement provisions of the Land Registration Act in respect of the organization and administration of land registries, the procedures for the registration of land, and related matters. The land register referred to under section 7 of the Act shall contain (a) the property section; (b) the proprietorship section; and (c) the encumbrance section. The Regulations set out the content of each section and also of the proprietorship section of a register that pertains to community land.

Land Regulations, 2017 (S.I. No. 280 of 2017).

november, 2017

These Regulations implement provisions of the Land Act, 2012, with respect to a variety of matters including administration of public land and private land, conversion of freehold or leasehold tenure, compulsory acquisition, settlement programmes, easements and analogous rights, and evictions from unlawfully occupied public land.The National Land Commission shall keep and maintain a data base of all public land and an inventory of land based natural resources.

Land Utilization (Amendment) Act, 2017 (No. 43 of 2017).

november, 2017

This Act amends the Land Utilization Act in section 2 in the definition of "Minister" and by insderting a definition of "Authority" (i.e. he Land Subdivision and Utilization Authority established under section 9). Section 9 is repealed and replaced. That section provides for membership of the Land Subdivision and Utilization Authority. Section 8, concerning evidence, for purposes of land registration, that a subdivision had been approved by the Minister is also amended.

Amends: Land Utilization Act. (2000)

Registered Land (Amendment) Law, 2017 (No. 36 of 2017).

mei, 2017
Cayman Islands

This Law amends the Registered Land Law with respect to plans and procedures for subdivision of land. The Act also amends the principal Act in Part V by deleting the heading “Division 5 - Easements, Restrictive Agreements, Profits and Licences” and substituting the following heading “Division 5 - Easements, Positive and Restrictive Covenants, Profits and Licences” and by replacing section 93 on validity and enforcement of registered positive covenants and restrictive covenants.

Amends: Registered Land Law (2004 Revision). (2003)

Sectional Titles Amendment Regulations, 2017 (No. R. 427 of 2017).

mei, 2017
South Africa

These Regulations amend the Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 with respect to various matters, with various references to the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act, 2011. Matters concern mainly documentation and certification. Regulation 30 on management rules as contemplated in section 35 (2) (a) of the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 and regulation 39 on arbitration are repealed.

Amends: Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 1986. (1988-04-08)

Town and Country Planning (Kingston and Saint Andrew and the Pedro Cays) Provisional Development Order, 2017 (S.I. No. 55 of 2017).

mei, 2017

This Order, made under section 5 of the Town and Country Planning Act, provides for a wide variety of matters regarding the administration and development of the areas of the Parishes of Kingston and Saint Andrew and the Pedro Cays as described in the First Schedule.

Ground Motion Ordinance.

april, 2017

The present Ordinance implements the Survey Act 1968. In particular, the Ordinance lays down provisions relating to conditions under which land shall be considered as altered because of ground motion. The text consists of 7 articles as follows: Definition of terms (1); Ground motions (2); Conduct of verification measurements (3); Evidence of ground motion (4); Consequences of detection of ground motion (5 and 6); Final and transitional provisions (7).

Implements: Surveying Act. (2016)


Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2017
Southern Africa

This learning brief suggests that one of the factors limiting the ability of the country to make good on its constitutional obligations relating to land reform is that we, as a country, have a missing middle – smallholder plots – when it comes to land reform.

Community empowerment through participatory resource assessment at Kathekakai settlement scheme, Machakos County, Kenya

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2016

Participatory mapping is a power tool in resource management. Through this exercise communities are able to identify changes in natural resources and make decision on how best to manage the change. The study analyzed changes in natural resources in Kathakakai settlement scheme, Machakos County using participatory resource mapping, with the aim to discuss possible effects. The area, which used to be a ranching enterprise for nearly a hundred years, was sub divided in 1995 into individual farm holdings with average farm size of 2.5 hectares per household.

Sugar Industry Efficiency (Amendment) Act 2016 (Act No. 34 of 2016).

december, 2016

This Act amends the Sugar Industry Efficiency Act 2001 in various sections relating to, among other things: definitions, conversion of land in case of sale of land to the Government, ensuring the quality of sugar products produced under this Act (and quality control including HACCP), other matters regrading conversion of agricultural land in land used for other purposes.