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Environmental Policy Strategy 2009-2015

National Policies
juli, 2009

The Environmental Policy Strategy is a national cross-sectoral strategy of Latvia for the period 2009-2015. Its main objective is to provide the public with the opportunity to live in a clean and well-arranged environment through sustainable development, preservation of environmental quality and biological diversity, sustainable use of natural resources, as well as participation of the public in the decision-making and its awareness of the environmental situation.

Law on agricultural land.

juli, 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina

This Law establishes: definitions, basic principles and management, protection, use, development, data collection, supervision, as well as other important issues related to agricultural land on the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Agricultural land is a natural resource of common interest, that enjoys special protection, used for agricultural production and may not be used for other purposes, except in cases and under conditions here established.The major objectives of this Law are the: adoption of sustainable principles, production capacity and management improvement,

Ministerial Policy Statement For Lands, Housing and Urban Development VOTE 012 & 156 FY 2009/10

Legislation & Policies
mei, 2009

The Ministerial Policy Statement is split in two main sections; Section A, which provides an overview of performance and plans for the Ministry, Central Votes and local governments and Section B, which provides past performance and future plans for each Vote Function in detail, in addition to Cross Cutting and other Budgetary Issues.

• Section A: Ministry and Vote Overview .

Formulação de um Programa para a implementação da Convenção das Nações Unidas de Combate a Desertificação (UNCCD) nos países da CPLP

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2009

A localização geográfica de Moçambique nos trópicos e subtrópicos, faz com que ele seja vulnerável a eventos extremos de origem meteorológica tais como secas, cheias e ciclones tropicais e de origem geológica como é o caso de sismos e tsunamis. Dentre as diversas zonas do país, as áridas, semi-áridas e sub-húmidas secas são as mais vulneráveis, devido à degradação da terra caracterizada por perda persistente de productividade de vegetação, solos e pastagens e exacerbada pelo seu uso inapropriado (UNDP, 1992). As regiões sul e parte do centro do país são as mais afectadas pela seca.

A Lei de Terras, de Minas e Sistemas de Direitos Consuetudinários

Conference Papers & Reports
maart, 2009

O presente trabalho é assente no cruzamento e análise dos conteúdos da legislação de terras1 , de minas e do reconhecimento pelo Estado das Autoridades Locais, em Moçambique. Será ainda baseado na análise da literatura e estudos realizados relacionados com estas áreas. Ao longo da presente abordagem far‐se‐á uma análise do regime jurídico relativo à descentralização administrativa, desenvolvimento  comunitário e participação das comunidades locais.

Complementary Law No. 143 establishing the Planning and Territorial Planning System of the State of Roraima.

januari, 2009

This Complementary Law, consisting of 42 articles divided into seven Chapters, establishes the Planning and Territorial Planning System of the State of Roraima. The above mentioned System, called SPOT/RR, is the main guiding instrument for planning of land occupation and control of the use of natural resources of the territory of the State of Roraima, in the implementation of plans, programmes, projects, works and public and private activities. The purpose of the SPOT/RR is to implement the provisions of art.