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Connaître ou mettre en débat, alerter ou éclairer la décision : Trajectoires et appropriations des observatoires fonciers en Afrique

Peer-reviewed publication
mei, 2023
Afrique occidentale

En retraçant la vie sociale du concept d’observatoire foncier en contextes africains, l’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser l’émergence, l’évolution, la mise en œuvre et les effets des observatoires fonciers sur l’action publique foncière. Le nombre d’observatoires du foncier s’accroit, sans que la nature de ces organisations et les liens entretenus avec les acteurs du foncier et les processus de politique foncière soient encore pleinement compris.

The Legal Contention for Baldíos Land in the Colombian Altillanura

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2023

This article describes the process of legal contention between civil society, political parties, and state institutions for the baldíos lands in the Colombian Altillanura region in the last two decades, a region considered the country’s “last agricultural frontier.” The article focuses on the dual and sometimes contradictory roles of the state institutions, both as facilitators of baldíos grabbing and as guarantors of the peasants’ legal land rights.

Appraisal Of Thirty-Three Customary Land Secretariats In Ghana

december, 2021

The government of Ghana through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources of Ghana has been assisting customary land authorities to strengthen customary land administration through the establishment customary land secretariats. The rationale for the support for customary land administration was to develop more effective and accountable systems of land administration at local level based on a collaborative approach and building on existing customary institutions.

Harnessing Technology To Advance Citizen-Centric Land Administration In Rwanda

december, 2021

Rwanda is recognized as a global land governance leader due to the success of its Land Tenure Regularisation Program (LTRP), which resulted in the registration of over 11 million parcels and the issuance of 7 million certificates of title, and the establishment of the Land Administration Information System (LAIS). These notable achievements have contributed to land market viability, reductions in land disputes, and increased land-based revenue.

Informal Settlement And Development Control Dynamics In Tanzania: Case Of Osunyai Ward Arusha

december, 2021

Context and background Despite steps implemented by Local Government Authorities to guarantee appropriate urban land development, individuals in informal settlements are developing in violation of laws, rules, and norms. Millions of individuals have grabbed property and constructed temporary houses to gain a footing in cities, in violation of law and ownership rights. Squatter colonies can be found in cities of newly developing economies on hillsides, parks, roadside, unplanned land on urban outskirts, and even valuable land in city centres.

Weak Land Governance, Fraud and Corruption: Fertile Ground for Land Grabbing

Reports & Research
november, 2021

Fraud and corruption are the main enabling mechanisms for land abuses in Brazil, guaranteeing impunity for land grabbers and other public and private agents involved in these schemes. This is what is evidenced in the research report, “Weak land governance, fraud and corruption: fertile ground for land grabbing,” which systematizes for the first time the relationship between these issues. Thereby, the study seeks to understand precisely why and how corruption and fraud associated with land grabbing occur.  


Reports & Research
november, 2021

O termo “grilagem” remete à prática antiga de forjar um título de propriedade e colocá-lo em uma gaveta com grilos para amarelar o documento, conferindo a aparência de um documento legitimo. As táticas se modernizaram, persistindo diversas práticas, conhecidas como grilagem, que buscam fraudar títulos e invadir terras com o objetivo de apropriar- -se indevidamente de áreas tanto públicas quanto particulares, muitas vezes com o auxílio de agentes corruptos, sejam eles da esfera pública ou privada.

Study on the state of consumer welfare in the real estate industry

Reports & Research
november, 2020

The Real Estate Industry is a key sector in the socio-economic development of The Gambia,
and the sector has been rapidly growing in the past decade with over 1oo real estate
companies operating in the Gambia (AREC 2020). The industry is under the purview of the
Ministry of Lands and Local Government; however, it is not regulated by Government; which
has led to consumers being vulnerable to various types of unfair, misleading and deceptive
market practices by stakeholders in the transaction process.

RICS Land Journal: Winds of Change

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2020

Soaring food and fuel prices and the instability of global financial markets have prompted agri-businesses, investment banks, and food- and energy-hungry nations to secure resources in countries where land is available, or is made available, for investment. Given that access to land is closely linked to food security, poverty alleviation, sustainable livelihoods and rural transformation, and that large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) can hinder such access, it’s important to monitor these deals.

(please refer to page 12 of the journal to read more) 

Securing Land Transactions with Biometric data in Ghana

Peer-reviewed publication
april, 2020

There is a gap between land tenure and the physical land giving room for impersonation, multiple allocation and sale of plots, loss of possession, land racketeering and fraud through forgery. Hence, the need to identify unambiguously parties involved in land transactions so that the root of title can be traced to ensure tenure security. This paper explores innovative ways of filling the gap with biometric data to secure land transactions.

Liberal land reform in Kazakhstan? The effect on land rental and credit markets

Journal Articles & Books
januari, 2020

This study analyses the effect of Kazakhstan’s 2003–2005 agricultural land reform on land rental and credit market participation. Although the reform declared an intention to facilitate efficient land alloca- tion, we observe a major land concentration. We analyze whether new land relations stimulated land sales and rental markets and made credit more accessible.