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Displaying 121 - 132 of 211

Land Conflict and Food Security in the Liberian-Ivoirian Border Region

Reports & Research
november, 2012
Côte d'Ivoire

This thematic report is the fifth in a series on housing, land and property rights, and tenure, and land conflict in Liberia. It examines land tenure and conflict from a Liberia/Cote d’Ivoire cross-border perspective within the context of forced displacement caused by the 2010 post-election crisis.

Assessing Benefits of Slum Upgrading Programs in Second-Best Settings

Reports & Research
juni, 2012

Slum upgrading programs are being used by national and city governments in many countries to improve the welfare of households living in slum and squatter settlements. These programs typically include a combination of improvements in neighborhood infrastructure, land tenure, and building quality. In this paper, the authors develop a dynamic general equilibrium model to compare the effectiveness of alternative slum upgrading instruments in a second-best setting with distortions in the land and credit markets.

More Than a Pretty Picture : Using Poverty Maps to Design Better Policies and Interventions

mei, 2012

This publication offers crucial lessons
for policy makers and development experts who may be
considering using small area poverty maps as tools of
economic development and helps add to our array of tools for
dealing with the political economy issues of poverty. It
represents a major contribution to a little understood
aspect of the well-known adage "location, location,
location," demonstrating that the conceptualization of

Affordable Land and Housing in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2012

In the vast majority of countries land and housing affordability is a critical contemporary challenge. While in different countries and regions the specificities of the challenge vary, the universal truism is that it is becoming increasing difficult for the vast majority of urban residents to obtain and retain adequate and affordable land and housing.

The New Kigamboni City: Prospects and Challenges

Reports & Research
februari, 2012

In early 2008 the government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development –MLHHSD, initiated a project to develop a new city at Kigamboni area in Temeke district of Dar es Salaam region. The reasons behind the decision were many but the most important factor was that the move would provide solutions to mitigate the urbanization problems of Dar es Salaam and its environs.

Building Cities for All - Lessons from four African experiences

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2011

En Afrique, pres de 500 millions de personnes resident aujourd'hui dans des bidonvilles. La plupart de ces quartiers ne sont pas << en regle >> en matiere de foncier, d'habitat, d'amenagement ou de services. Les operations urbaines constituent un outil privilegie pour ameliorer les conditions de vie des habitants des quartiers precaires. Malgre des progres indeniables realises dans la derniere decennie, le bilan reste mitige, notamment en termes d'impacts social, economique, urbain et environnemental.

Managing urban land

Conference Papers & Reports
december, 2011
South Africa

Urban land markets have a profound effect on how well poor households are able to access the jobs, amenities and services offered in the city. But often the way in which this market works frustrates attempts to open up better located living and business opportunities for poorer urban households and communities, despite government policies and programmes intended to address these challenges. The challenge in South Africa is even larger because of worsening poverty and inequality, and the continuing growth of cities through urbanisation.