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Biocombustibles: Falsas soluciones y riesgos para la seguridad alimentaria

Reports & Research
september, 2024
Latin America and the Caribbean

Este estudio buscó constatar en qué medida la producción de biodiésel y etanol podría contribuir a las necesidades de sustitución de las importaciones de combustibles y cuáles serían los potenciales impactos sobre la seguridad alimentaria en Bolivia. Para ello, se tomó como escenario prospectivo el periodo 2024-2030, basado en el análisis del periodo histórico 2005-2023.

Progress towards the SDG land degradation and restoration commitments 2023

Reports & Research
juli, 2024

When UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, we celebrated world leaders’ recognition of the foundational and strategic role that sustainable land management must play to advance climate resilience, biodiversity conservation, and maintain sufficient food supplies for us all.

Progresso em direção aos compromissos de degradação e restauração de terras dos ODS 2023

Reports & Research
juli, 2024

Quando os Estados membros da Nações Unidas adotaram os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODSs) em 2015, comemoramos o reconhecimento de líderes mundiais do papel fundamental e estratégico que a gestão sustentável da terra deve desempenhar para promover a resiliência climática, a conservação da biodiversidade e a manutenção de suprimentos de alimentos suficientes para todas e todos nós.

Rapport de la FAO: La production mondiale des pêches et de l’aquaculture atteint un nouveau record

Peer-reviewed publication
mei, 2024
Costa Rica

La production halieutique et aquacole mondiale a atteint un niveau sans précédent, la production d’animaux aquatiques issue de l’aquaculture dépassant pour la première fois celle de la pêche de capture, selon un nouveau rapport de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) publié aujourd’hui. 

Scaling-Up Community Participatory Mapping And Land Use Planning To Reinforce Customary Land Governance For Multi-Stakeholder Engagement On Sustainable Investments And Trade On Land In Southwest Cameroon.

december, 2023
United States of America

Background and context
With the decentralization processes underway in most countries of the Congo Basin, community involvement in decision-making is becoming an imperative, particularly with regard to land and resource management (Beatty, M.T. et al. (1978). To ensure that this involvement results in a clear and sustained expression of community needs, it is important to think of an integrated, free and committed approach to communities in order to promote a dialogue between land management actors (Joe Watts, 1994).
Goal and objectives

Fields of harmony: Pulses and sustainable land management

december, 2023

Sustainable land management (SLM) entails the judicious use of land resources, incorporating soils, water, animals, and plants, to meet dynamic human needs, while concurrently safeguarding the sustained use of these resources and preserving their environmental functions. SLM serves as a guiding framework for sustainable agriculture, aligning its goals with environmental stewardship, efficient resource use, and long-term productivity. Adopting SLM practices promotes soil health,

Securing nature’s contributions to people requires at least 20%–25% (semi-)natural habitat in human-modified landscapes

december, 2023

The cascading effects of biodiversity decline on human well-being present a pressing challenge for sustainable development. Conservation efforts often prioritize safeguarding specific species, habitats, or intact ecosystems but overlook biodiversity’s fundamental role in providing Nature’s Contributions to People (NCP) in human-modified landscapes.

Predicting the distribution of plant species from southern South America: are the hotspots of genetic diversity threatened by climate change?

december, 2023

Biodiversity in all its dimensions is being threatened by climate change and the impact of human activities. Genetic diversity is a key dimension of biodiversity underlying adapta- tion to global changes. Here we assess the impact of climate change on plant genetic diver- sity in a region located in the southernmost portion of Argentina and Chile range. We com- piled available published research on population genetics of 22 plant species from forests, monte and steppe ecoregions and modelled the impact of future climates on their suitability distributions.

Value of biodiversity on Patagonian rangeland: Estimation via a Hedonic Price Index

december, 2023

Plant diversity has long been linked to an increase in ecosystem productivity and function, but concrete examples in which ecosystem services are linked to diversity at the scale at which management decisions are taken are rare. We specifically tested for a correlation between plant diversity and provisioning ecosystem services estimated via the potential to produce meat and wool. We also tested whether higher levels of plant diversity conferred higher levels of ecosystem resistance to global change drivers, measured as the ability to sustain productivity across time.

Florestas biodiversas em perspetiva antropológica: ressurgências das paisagens em ruína pela monocultura do eucalipto

Journal Articles & Books
oktober, 2023

A diversidade tem sido tratada por várias áreas do conhecimento. Cabe à antropologia oferecer perspetivas descentradas sobre a sua existência histórica. Neste artigo mobilizo conhecimento etnográfico de contextos que conheço por experiência de trabalho de campo – indígenas na mata atlântica do sul da Bahia e os fataluku da região sociocultural do sudeste asiático (Timor-Leste) – para reforçar historicidades de vivência da paisagem que resultam em biodiversidade.

Manifesto para territórios de vida

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2023

i A necessidade de um "Manifesto para territórios de vida" foi estabelecida pelo Consórcio ICCA em janeiro de 2019. Desde então, ocorreram intercâmbios específicos durante as reuniões do Consórcio e assembleias internacionais e regionais, e várias declarações relevantes foram produzidas. Com base nelas, bem como em relatórios, publicações e discussões por e-mail entre os membros que ocorreram desde 2008, um exercício específico com foco no Manifesto foi realizado entre os membros do Consórcio em 2022.

Place-based solutions for global social-ecological dilemmas:

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2023

The Amazon has a diverse array of social and environmental initiatives that adopt forest-based land-use practices to promote rural development and support local livelihoods. However, they are often insufficiently recognized as transformative pathways to sustainability and the factors that explain their success remain understudied.