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Ressources, territoires et conflits : élevage bovin et exploitation minière dans l'Ouest centrafricain

Journal Articles & Books
november, 2022
Central African Republic

La République centrafricaine traverse depuis plusieurs décennies des crises socio-politiques et militaires. Celles-ci ont atteint leur apogée en 2013 autour des affrontements entre la Séléka, une rébellion du nord et les Anti-Balaka, un regroupement de milices locales. L’État n’a plus de contrôle sur l’ensemble de son territoire morcelé et tenu par des groupes armés. À partir du cas de l’Ouest centrafricain, cette thèse montre que les conflits armés ont des répercussions profondes sur les rapports des populations aux ressources et aux territoires.

Relatório Planeta Vivo 2022

Reports & Research
oktober, 2022

Enfrentamos, hoje, as emergências duplas e interligadas das mudanças climáticas induzidas pelo ser humano e da perda de biodiversidade, ameaçando o bem-estar das gerações atuais e futuras. Uma vez que nosso futuro depende criticamente da biodiversidade e de um clima estável, é essencial que compreendamos como o declínio da natureza e as alterações climáticas estão conectados.

An Introductory Guide to Responsible Land-Based Investment for Communities, Government and Investors

Manuals & Guidelines
oktober, 2022

Significant land-based investments in agriculture and forestry are essential to meet growing global demand for food and to help counteract the likely impacts of climate change. Such investments can have a number of beneficial impacts, such as enhancing food security, generating foreign currency, improving natural resource manage-

Forêts villageoises et filières bambou dans les montagnes du nord Laos

Reports & Research
augustus, 2022

Ce carnet relate l’expérience conduite par le Gret pour accompagner le développement de filières bambou approvisionnées par les forêts villageoises dans la province de Houaphan au Laos. Il montre comment cet accompagnement, qui a duré de 2008 à 2021, a permis aux villageois, acteurs publics et privés de construire collectivement des filières durables.

Fundação Anti-Indígena

Journal Articles & Books
mei, 2022
América do Sul

Sob o governo Bolsonaro, a Fundação Nacional do Índio (Funai) tem implementado uma política que cabe chamar de anti-indigenista. Contraditório, chocante, mas verdadeiro, esse é o tema do dossiê que se apresenta, fruto da parceria entre a Indigenistas Associados (INA), associação de servidores da Funai fundada em 2017, e o Instituto de Estudos Socioeconômicos (Inesc), organização não governamental atuante há 42 anos nos espaços de discussão de políticas públicas, direitos humanos e orçamento.

Horizon du patrimoine mondial de l’UICN 3 : une évaluation de la conservation de tous les sites du patrimoine mondial naturel

Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2022
Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande

L’Horizon du patrimoine mondial de l’UICN 3 s’appuie sur les trois cycles des Évaluations des perspectives de conservation réalisées depuis 2014. Il présente les principaux résultats pour 2020, mais aussi certaines tendances à plus long terme, en se basant sur une comparaison des trois ensembles de données aujourd’hui disponibles.

Analysing land policy processes with stages model: Land policy cases of Ethiopia and Rwanda

Journal Articles & Books
Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2022

Land policies are formulated with the goal of addressing land use management challenges. Therefore, a thorough investigation is required to assess effectiveness of land policy processes. The unknown land use policy effec[1]tiveness is how and where the formulation and identification of land use problems affect the throughput of policy implementation. The main objective of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of land policy processes using models of public policy analysis.

Global Land Outlook

Reports & Research
maart, 2022


The second edition of the Global Land Outlook (GLO2), Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience, sets out the rationale, enabling factors, and diverse pathways by which countries and communities can reduce and reverse land degradation by designing and implementing their bespoke land restoration agenda. Land restoration for recovery and resilience is about creating livelihood and development opportunities for people simply by changing the way we use and manage our land resources.

Imperialist appropriation in the world economy: Drain from the global South through unequal exchange, 1990–2015

Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2022

Unequal exchange theory posits that economic growth in the “advanced economies” of the global North relies on a large net appropriation of resources and labour from the global South, extracted through price differentials in international trade. Past attempts to estimate the scale and value of this drain have faced a number of conceptual and empirical limitations, and have been unable to capture the upstream resources and labour embodied in traded goods.

Overview of land degradation neutrality (LDN) in Europe and Central Asia

Reports & Research
januari, 2022
Central Asia
Eastern Europe

Land degradation neutrality (LDN) has been defined by the Parties to the Convention as: A state whereby the amount and quality of land resources, necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security, remains stable or increases within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems. The present report is an overview of the status of land degradation neutrality (LDN) in the region including a national overview for the 17 programme countries.

Pastoralisme nomade et tensions sociales au Sud du Maroc

Journal Articles & Books
december, 2021

Cet article aborde les tensions engendrées par les mouvements des troupeaux des éleveurs nomades et la compétition autour des ressources naturelles. Nous étudions le cas des éleveurs nomades (kassâba) sahariens originaires du Sud-ouest marocain dans leur mobilité à la recherche des pâturages dans la région du Souss. Les déplacements de ces kassâba provoquent une situation conflictuelle entre les éleveurs d’une part et la population locale villageoise et montagnarde d’autre part.

Appraisal Of Thirty-Three Customary Land Secretariats In Ghana

december, 2021

The government of Ghana through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources of Ghana has been assisting customary land authorities to strengthen customary land administration through the establishment customary land secretariats. The rationale for the support for customary land administration was to develop more effective and accountable systems of land administration at local level based on a collaborative approach and building on existing customary institutions.