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Promoting Responsible Governance of Investments in Land (RGIL) in Ethiopia

Institutional & promotional materials
september, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

The “Responsible Governance of Investments in Land” (RGIL) project in Ethiopia aims at ensuring that investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management, and respect the rights and needs of local populations, in particular vulnerable groups and women.

Le code foncier et domanial du Togo et les directives volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers. Guide et images à l'usage des zones rurales.

Reports & Research
september, 2020

Ce guide en images sur les Directives Volontaires pour une gouvernance responsable des régimes fonciers et le Code Foncier et Domanial du Togo est un outil de renforcement des capacités des formateurs nationaux pour améliorer la gouvernance foncière au niveau des villages du Togo.



Webinar Report: Land Consolidation Legislation

Reports & Research
juni, 2020

Land consolidation is a well-proven land management instrument, which has traditionally been used for agricultural development with a main objective of reducing land fragmentation and increasing holding and farm sizes. Some European countries have a land consolidation tradition that goes back a hundred years or more. It is also widespread in particular in countries in Asia but also in Africa.

Darfur Land Administration Report

Reports & Research
juni, 2020
Eastern Africa

The objectives of the report are to assess the statutory and customary land administration systems and practices in the five Darfur states of Sudan, and to provide guidance to relevant stakeholders on how to support the tenure security and housing, land and property (HLP) rights of people voluntarily returning to Darfur and of other vulnerable people, such as IDPs, refugees, women and youth. Although the primary focus of the report is on securing the land rights of returnees, vulnerable and displaced people, the findings and recommendations are relevant to the overall Darfur population.

Legal guide on land consolidation

Manuals & Guidelines
mei, 2020

Land consolidation is a highly effective land management instrument that allows for the improvement of the structure of agricultural holdings and farms in a country, which increases their economic and social efficiency and brings benefits both to right holders as well as to society in general. Since land consolidation gives mobility to land ownership and other land rights, it may also facilitate the allocation of new areas with specific purposes other than agriculture, such as for public infrastructure or nature protection and restoration.

Presentation: The Need for Land Consolidation

mei, 2020

This presentation was given at the Webinar "Land Consolidation Legislation: FAO Legal Guide and Its Application at the Country Level" on 18 June 2020. It sets the scene on the need for land consolidation by explaining the problem it addresses, namely, land fragmentation. The presentation also explores whether land markets can solve the issue of land fragmentation, and can be achieved with land consolidation and who are the beneficiaries.

Promoting Responsible Governance of Investments in Land (RGIL) in Uganda

Institutional & promotional materials
april, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

The “Responsible Governance of Investments in Land” (RGIL) project in Uganda fosters investment quality promotion to ensure that agriculture and forestry investments in land are productive, contribute to sustainable land management and respect the rights and needs of local populations, including vulnerable groups and women.

Land Conflict Mediation Guide - Focusing on private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Land in Uganda is a delicate resource that has caused many conflicts over the past years. About 80% of pending court cases in the country relate to land today. Looking at the country’s violent history, a rising population and increasing impact of climate change on agriculture productivity, land rights in Uganda are contested to this day. Land conflicts are either within communities, family structures or between individuals and external players such as investors.

Training Handbook for Land Governance Practitioners on Private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Knowledge of policies on land governance not only improves the way issues pertaining to land rights are handled; but also minimises waste of time and money lost on land conflict.

This Training Manual is a practical handbook to be used by trainers on land governance on private Mailo land. It contains several methods and approaches for content delivery carefully crafted to improve understanding and appreciation of the laws governing Mailo land.

Land Capacity Building Guide - Focusing on private Mailo land

Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2020
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

Responsible Land Policy in Uganda (RELAPU) is a project implemented by the German International Cooperation (GIZ) and financed by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). BMZ created the Special Initiative “One World, No Hunger”, aimed at eradicating extreme hunger and poverty. Within this special initiative, RELAPU is part of the Global Programme on Responsible Land Policy currently implemented in eight countries.

EU Land Governance Programme, Country Level Experiences: Transversal Report

Reports & Research
maart, 2020

The European Union Land Governance Programme funds 18 individual country-level projects in Africa, Asia and Latin America, all of which address tenure issues, and are implemented alongside various partners, among which are government agencies, civil society organizations, bilateral and multilateral organizations and private contractors.