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This Decree-Law, composed of 18 articles, regulates the guidelines for the implementation of the Rural Development Plan (RURIS) until 2006. RURIS, through its four components, namely agro-environmental measures, compensation measures, agricultural land reforestation, anticipated reform, aims at promoting a competitive agriculture well-suited with a sustainable rural development. This Decree-Law is part of a simplification process of the coordination and management of all interventions in order to accelerate their implementation on the behalf of both the Administration and farmers. The Decree-Law indicates the Institute for Rural Development and Hydraulics (IDRHa) as coordination body.
Implemented by: Order No. 465/2004 on the Plan for Rural Development(RURIS). (2004-05-04)
Amends: Decree-Law No. 8/2001 enforcing the Plan for Rural Development - RURIS. (2001-01-22)
Repeals: Decree-Law No. 202/2001 amending Decree-Law No. 8/2001 enforcing the Plan for Rural Development - RURIS. (2001-07-13)