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Showing items 8524 through 8532 of 73598.Desde os primeiros recortes territoriais do grande Recife, as igrejas pontuam o cenário urbano com suas torres, seus adros e pátios, sendo fortes símbolos de reconhecimento e identificação de bairros da cidade.
The greater the benefit derived from using a piece of land for any particular purpose the higher the price the prospective user is willing to pay. The demand for land is thus a reflection of the utility derived from its use by current or potential users.
El artículo analiza la acción colectiva de los pobladores de Santiago entre 1957 y 1987 desde la perspectiva sociológica de los movimientos sociales.
Italy is facing an almost irreversible, extremely serious condition. A vital asset for humankind and the ecosystem, such as land, today suffers the negative effects of anthropogenic activities, first of all its uncontrolled and limitless consumption.
Desde las primeras divisiones territoriales del Gran Recife, las iglesias puntúan el escenario urbano con sus torres, sus atrios y patios, siendo fuertes símbolos de reconocimiento e identificación de barrios de la ciudad.
This paper aims to propose a methodologyofanalysisthe sustainability of localproductivearrangements, which combines the traditional methods of assessing thecompetitiveness of the methodologies for measuring sustainability, considering theindicators of sustainable land development (municipality in
O fenômeno das segundas residências é de abrangência mundial. No desenvolvimento de produtos como o turismo de sol e mar, as segundas habitações apresentam-se como uma forma de alojamento e investimento turístico.
Construites à partir des années 1960 sous l’impulsion du Schéma directeur d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme de 1965, cinq villes nouvelles ont vu le jour en région parisienne.
Studied international experience of using economic instruments to stimulate land users
to preserve biodiversity.
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