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Community Organizations United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
United Nations Agency

Focal point

Collen V Kelapile
Phone number


Addis Ababa
Postal address
Menelik II Ave.
P.O. Box 3001
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Working languages

Established by the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) in 1958 as one of the UN's five regional commissions, ECA's mandate is to promote the economic and social development of its member States, foster intra-regional integration, and promote international cooperation for Africa's development.

Made up of 54 member States, and playing a dual role as a regional arm of the UN and as a key component of the African institutional landscape, ECA is well positioned to make unique contributions to address the Continent’s development challenges.

ECA’s thematic areas of focus are as follows:

  • Macroeconomic Policy
  • Regional Integration and Trade
  • Social Development
  • Natural Resources
  • Innovation and Technology
  • Gender
  • Governance



Displaying 421 - 425 of 872

Report on the effectiveness of regional and subregional development projects in the agricultural and rural sector, with particular emphasis on environment and sustained development

Reports & Research
maart, 1992

The agricultural and rural sector is very important in Africa and enormous efforts have been made to develop it, not only at the national level, but also at the regional and subregional level. However, despite this, the growth of the sector has not kept pace with population growth: according to FAI, the population is increasing by 3.3 per cent per year, but agricultural output by only 1.5 percent per year.

Planning for structural adjustment in African agriculture

Reports & Research
januari, 1992

African Agriculture is in crisis. Serious deterioration in the terms of trade, frequent droughts, growing expenditure on food imports, and rapid population growth on an ecologically fragile agricultural resource base have, all combined to prevent African agriculture from playing its vital role as the engine of economic development of the continent.

Une évaluation des politiques de migration urbaine dans certains pays africains

Conference Papers & Reports
januari, 1992

L'urbanisation croissante, qui est due en parti a l'exode rural, est l'un des facteurs a l'origine de la répartition inégale de la population dans les pays africains. Ce phénomène a deux caractéristiques a savoir le pourcentage faible quoique croissant de la population urbaine et le taux d'accroissement élève des populations urbaines (ainsi que de la population totale).

Une évaluation des politiques de migration urbaine dans certains pays africains

Conference Papers & Reports
januari, 1992

L'urbanisation croissante, qui est due en parti a l'exode rural, est l'un des facteurs a l'origine de la répartition inégale de la population dans les pays africains. Ce phénomène a deux caractéristiques a savoir le pourcentage faible quoique croissant de la population urbaine et le taux d'accroissement élève des populations urbaines (ainsi que de la population totale).

Africain compendium of environment statistics = Recueil des statistique Africaines de l'environnent

Journal Articles & Books
december, 1991

This document focuses on African compendium of environment statistics. This is the first edition of the African Compendium of Environment Statistics. It is in many ways experimental and covers a limited range of topics but it is intended that future editions will cover a wider range of data and will include more comment and analysis. Environment statistics is a relatively new branch of statistics and very few African countries have yet started systematic data collection or have any statisticians trained in this branch.