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Community Organizations European Commission
European Commission
European Commission
Intergovernmental or Multilateral organization


European Commission

The European Commission represents the general interest of the EU and is the driving force in proposing legislation (to Parliament and the Council), administering and implementing EU policies, enforcing EU law (jointly with the Court of Justice) and negotiating in the international arena.



Displaying 11 - 15 of 60

GEF GOLD+ Nicaragua: Enhancing the formalization and mercury reduction in the artisanal and small-scale gold m


Contribute to the reduction of anthropogenic mercury releases/emissions from artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) to the environment, by strengthening formalization processes and enabling environments that foster: inclusion, access to finance and legal supply chains, adoption of clean practices and technologies, and building skills and technical capacities for the ASGM sector.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

513. Mercury reduction is the main objective of the project and the key benefit for both the environment and human health. As described previously, the practices used by mining operations in Nicaragua contribute to mercury emissions and releases, so the project's contribution in environmental terms will be significant, as well as contributing to the country's obligations under the Minamata Convention on mercury. 514. In addition, the project will contribute to economic, social and environmental benefits that support the sustainable development of the country. 515. In recent years, ASGM has become an essential source of economic income and employment opportunities, especially considering the concentration of this activity mainly in rural areas. 516. Due to the absence of an adequate regulatory framework and poor formalization of activities in ASGM, and lack of efficient technologies for gold recovery, the potential socio-economic benefits of this activity are diminished. By strengthening (i) the technical and institutional capacities of national and local authorities, (ii) mechanisms, regulations and measures for control and supervision of gold production and trade activities, revenues at central, regional and municipal levels are expected to increase. 517. The project will promote a scenario in which the ASGM sector can increase its economic benefit and have positive impact at the local and national level for the thousands of families that depend primarily, secondarily or temporarily on this activity. Additional economic gains will be achieved through more efficient technologies and subsequent increased gold recovery and responsible supply chains that ensure access to formal markets and better prices. Economic benefits can be translated into social welfare and livelihood security. 518. In the specific case of women miners, the project will improve their access to finance, savings and entrepreneurship, leading to economic empowerment that will contribute to their well-being and that of their families by indirectly impacting issues such as food security. Gender mainstreaming activities will reduce gender inequalities among project beneficiaries. 519. The transition to efficient and/or clean recovery technologies and the introduction of better practices will improve the working and living conditions of miners, including women and vulnerable populations, resulting in better health for miners. Improved mining practices will improve environmental quality and therefore local communities will have, among other environmental benefits, access to cleaner water. 520. Miners and communities will increase their skills and knowledge, leading to improved education in mining areas. In addition, the promotion of formalization processes will also enable miners to access social and financial services. Proper development of the ASGM sector can reduce conflicts over land use or related to environmental pollution. 521. Finally, and in line with the innovative approach followed by the GOLD+ program, in addition to mercury reduction, the project will enable better land management and proper management and disposal of mining waste, which will benefit biodiversity and make communities more resilient to climate change.

Restoration of ecosystems, integrated natural resource management and promotion of SLM in Mbuluzi River Basin


To promote ecosystem restoration for a productive Mbuluzi River landscape and effectively managed protected areas providing critical ecosystem goods and services


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project will provide benefits globally, nationally and locally. This project will enhance the capacity for implementation of a robust framework to manage land and biodiversity degradation in Eswatini. By strengthening Eswatini’s strategies, mechanisms, and institutions for land restoration and natural resource management at the national level, globally significant biodiversity and landscapes will be protected, and livelihoods strengthened. The strengthening of land and biodiversity management will contribute to the development of social inclusion and gender equality, foster clear and transparent provisions and strengthen the capacity for local communities to benefit from their landscape and biodiversity, thereby generating opportunities for themselves. This will also have benefits to the local communities immediately impacted by land degradation, including those deriving livelihoods from forest, protected areas and agricultural ecosystems, directly through production, or indirectly such as through tourism and ecosystem services. Additional domestic benefits generated over the baseline case will be as a result of reduced impact of climate change on economic activity. Further benefits will accrue through replication of the approaches used at the pilot sites to other sites in the country. The approach used in the project as a whole will also provide lessons and opportunities for replication in other countries in Africa.

Inclusive conservation of sea turtles and seagrass habitats in the north and north-west of Madagascar


To adopt integrated approaches for inclusive conservation of sea turtles and seagrasses and the sustainable management of their habitats in North-West Madagascar.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The project is designed to provide direct socio-economic benefits to at least 13,000 local people (at least 30% women) in the target communities living in the project sites - Nosy Hara National Park, Sahamalaza National Park, Ankarea MPA, Ankivonjy MPA, and Bobaomby and Analalava areas - through the involvement of local communities in Bobaomby and Analalava MPA/LMMA establishment and operationalization (assisting local communities in obtaining land tenure titles; development/renewal of co-management agreements, and providing conditions for employment of up to 200 Marine Community Rangers (Outputs 2.1); capacity building for COSAPS, Marine Community Rangers, and OMCs of existing MPAs (Nosy Hara National Park, Sahamalaza National Park, Ankarea MPA, Ankivonjy MPA) on protection and sustainbale management of sea turtle, seagrass, and other marine resources (Output 2.2); development and implementation of a Blue Carbon project on community-based conservation of mangroves and seagrass that expected to provide local people with sustainbale income from selling of blue carbon credits (Output 3.1, direct investment of $400,000); development and implementation of pilot CBNRM and alternative livelihood projects (Outputs 3.1) with direct investments of $408,000 to local communities in the form of Low Value Grants. The projected increase of revenue of local communities resulting from the implementation of the Blue Carbon, CBNRM and alternative livelihood pilot projects (Output 3.1) can be estimated in 50-100%[1]. At the same time, the project is expected to decrease economic losses from sea turtle poaching and trade, degradation of seagrass beds, mangroves and other marine habitats in the project area by 50-100% during its lifetime via the increased law enforcement and effective MPA co-management (Outputs 2.1-2.3). That will provide additional benefits to local communities increasing their environmental sustainability and ability to adapt to climate change. [1] Based on the experience of Blue Ventures, SEED Madagascar, FAO and other successful sustainable livelihood programmes in Madagascar and other African countries.

Monitoring des procès à caractère foncier dont sont parties les rescapes du génocide des Tutsis et les femmes


Le projet vise à faire le monitoring des procès à caractère foncier devant les juridictions de droit rwandais (Tribunaux de Base) qui concerne principalement le recouvrement du droit à la terre des orphelins du génocide et le droit de la femme vivant seule à la succession foncière . Renforcer les connaissances en droits humains dans les jugements relatives à la propriété foncière Améliorer laccès à la justice aux rescapés du génocide et aux femmes Promouvoir une justice équitable