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Community Organizations Norwegian Refugee Council
Norwegian Refugee Council
Norwegian Refugee Council
Non Governmental organization


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent, humanitarian, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, which provides assistance, protection and durable solutions to some of the world’s 42 million refugees and internally displaced persons.

With humanitarian assistance programmes in 20 countries, NRC assists people to claim their rights, access available remedies, and recover from the effects of abuse and violations. NRC’s Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) supports beneficiaries in claiming and exercising their rights. ICLA provides information, counselling, legal assistance, collaborative dispute resolution, capacity- building and advocacy activities. An increasingly important area of NRC’s legal aid work supports displaced women as they seek to enforce their housing, land and property (HLP) rights.



Displaying 41 - 45 of 48

Land Administration Project


The 4 years (plus 9 months extension)project to modernize the land administration in Benin assists the national agency to put in place a functioning, sustainable cadastral information system, to strengthen its organizational processes, to strengthen the collaboration with the main stakeholders in the cadastral chains and to engage civil society in promoting inclusiveness for vulnerable groups in accessing land. The project is built around a fit-for-purpose approach and contributes to achieving a country-wide coverage of the cadastral system that will be kept up to date and improves the land security of all parties involved and provides relevant information for the various stakeholders.


The overall objective of the PMAF is to "make all actors in the land registration chain work to contribute to land security for all segments of the Beninese population and to the promotion of private investment". The specific objectives of the PMAF are as follows: A The national land register is available, functional and sustainable in order to contribute effectively to the land security of a growing number of people; B ANDF implements the national land and domain policy, in accordance with the obligations defined in the Land Code and respecting the conditions of land security and in a financially sustainable manner; C: All parties in the mapping, legal and judicial chains know their roles and responsibilities and assume them effectively and correctly in collaboration with other parties in the chain; D: Increased opportunities for civil society and other interest groups to advocate for improved legislation, policies and implementation of policies to protect access and land ownership rights for socially and/or economically disadvantaged groups;


Act No. 2013-01 of 14 August 2013 on the Land and State Owned Property Code created the National Agency for Land and State Owned Property (ANDF), which is a public establishment of a technical and scientific nature, by investing it, in article 418, with "a mission to secure and coordinate land and State ownership management at the national level". According to Decree 2015-010 of 29 January 2015 on the responsibilities, organisation and functioning of the ANDF, it is responsible: to implement Beninese State policies, strategies and programmes in the field of land and State ownership; ensure the implementation of procedures relating to land management; to manage the land registry; confirm land rights and issue land titles; to establish a national land information management system that is transparent, accessible, reliable and up-to-date

Target Groups

Main direct beneficiary: ANDF: Agence nationale du Domaine et du Foncier; Other beneficiaires: Municipalities and other decentralized administrations, Notaries and lawyers, Banks and financial institutions, Land surveyors and IGN, Civil Society Organisations and in general the overall population (M/F) of Benin.

Burundi: Research on the Effect of Land Tenure Registration on Land Disputes and Women's Land Rights


1. To generate useful knowledge on the impact of community-based land tenure registration on land disputes and ways to enhance that impact; and 2. To generate useful knowledge on how to preserve and strengthen women’s customary rights to land in land tenure registration.


The project aimed to generate useful knowledge on the impact of community-based land tenure registration on land disputes and ways to enhance that impact; and generate useful knowledge on how to preserve and strengthen women’s customary rights to land in land tenure registration.

Target Groups

Citizens of Burundi

Protection of land ownership


The aim is to protect land ownership in favour of the less socially disadvantaged part of the population, as well as to prevent land rights disputes and offer lasting and effective solutions to existing problems through awareness raising, brochure distribution, training and advice.

Rwanda: LAND-at-scale: Land Conflict Resolution Project (LCRP)


1) To improve understanding by key land security stakeholders of the barriers limiting inclusive, accessible, transparent and predictable access to land justice at decentral level. 2) To enhance capacity of the Abunzi, cell land committees and other relevant land dispute resolution actors to make just decisions on land-related disputes. 3) To develop and test in pilot districts an efficient Information Management System and quality-control system for land dispute resolution at decentral level. 4) To have a roadmap for sustainable institutionalization and further national scaling of enhanced land related conflict management at decentral level agreed by key Ministries.


The project aims to enhance land security in Rwanda by strengthening public confidence in registration of land transactions.

Target Groups

Direct beneficiaries: The Abunzi; cell land committees; Ministry of Justice; Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority; Ministry of Local Government; Ministry of Environment; selected (primary) courts; civil society organizations; knowledge institutes; community/women groups; people in the pilot areas. Indirect beneficiaries: Communities of the pilot districts, and especially rural women; all communities and people of Rwanda suffering land insecurity, especially rural women and other vulnerable groups.

Montenegro: Commercial Law Judicial Training Support - Phase III


The project aimed to deliver training modules on property and land law, arbitration, breach of international contracts, and court decisions enforcement to the Judicial Training Center (JTC). In addition, to provide institutional assistance to the JTC to support its compliance with the new Law on the Centre for Training in Judiciary and State Prosecution Service by establishing a solid corps of judge trainers, and organizing a practical apprenticeship program at the Italian High School of Magistrates.


1. To develop practical, vocationally-oriented modules of judicial training for Montenegrin judges, so as to enable them to deal more effectively and independently with such matters; 2. To work in close collaboration with local trainers affiliated with the JTC to ensure that the training is adapted to local context, and that local trainers are in a position to deliver the modules independently in the future (including in relation to international content); 3.To collaborate closely with, and to the satisfaction of, the Montenegrin authorities and the EBRD Project Team; and 4. To carry out all activities to a high standard.

Target Groups

Judges from the Commercial and Administrative Courts of Montenegro