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Map of Paraguay


The Republic of Paraguay is a country of water and land. Water defines both its name - the "river of the payaguas" - and its geography - 70% of its borders with Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia are rivers. Land, as a mainly agricultural country, is its main capital. With a total area of 406,752 km², the country is divided into two physiographic regions: the Western or Chaco, which represents 60% of the area and where only 2% of the population lives. And the Eastern region, where most of the economic activity, agriculture, livestock and forestry extraction takes place. The first is a plain and the second is composed of sierras and mountain ranges.
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From the 2008 Census data, the Oxfam report concludes that 90% of the land is in the hands of 5% of the large landowners, and the remaining 10% is divided between small and medium-sized properties, which represent more than 95%.