Angola: Agrolive Invests Akz 100 Million in Agricultural Development | Land Portal

Longonjo — The agricultural project "AGROLIVE" is investing 100 million Kwanzas (Akz) in mechanization and promotion of maize and bean crops in the municipality of Lépi, Longonjo (Huambo).

The information was given this Monday to the press by the director general of AGROLIVE, Inocêncio Katiavala, pointing out that 62 direct jobs are expected to be created in the agricultural year 2020/21.

With this, he explained, a production of 500 tons of maize and 100 tons of beans is expected.

He informed that it is being developed in an area of 350 hectares, where work is also underway for the construction of dams that, in this dry season, could help in the process of crop irrigation.

Inocêncio Katiavala said that the project aims to increase the productivity, production and marketing of these crops on a large scale to meet the challenges of food security and diversification of the economy in the country.

The project, according to the person in charge, also provides for the rehabilitation, through earthworks, of the secondary and tertiary roads in the region to facilitate the transporting of products from the countryside to the areas of conservation, processing, marketing and consumption.

In brief statements, the deputy administrator of Lépi municipality, Florinda Nginga Lungi, hailed the initiative which, according to her, will stimulate agricultural production and, at the same time, reduce unemployment.


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