Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan | Land Portal

Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Resources

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Library Resource
Relatórios e Pesquisa
Julho, 2017

Climate change in Afghanistan is not an uncertain, “potential” future risk but a very real, present threat— whose impacts have already been felt by millions of farmers and pastoralists across the country. In this report, it is shown how drought and flood risks have changed over the past thirty years, and what impact this has had on rural livelihoods and food security in the country. The aim is to inform national-level prioritisation of areas and livelihoods groups for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction programmes.

Library Resource
Legislações e Políticas
Junho, 2017

Article One:

This law has been enacted in accordance with paragraph (4) of article 40 of the Constitution of Afghanistan.


Article Two:

The objectives of this law are as following:

Library Resource
Legislações e Políticas
Janeiro, 2008

Article One:

This law is enacted the provisions of paragraph two article nine of constitution of Afghanistan in order to regulate the affairs of the land.


Article Two:

Objectives of the law have included:

Library Resource
Legislações e Políticas
Abril, 2005

NO: (7)

Date: 14/01/1384 (03/04/2005)


Article 1:


Sections (1&3) of article (3) and articles (12, 13, 16, 17, 20 and 22) shall be amended as follow:


1- Under section (1) of article 3 the expression ‘railway’ shall be added after the expression ‘highways’, and the text (and schools, implementation of urban plans) shall be added after the expression (seminaries or religious schools), and under section (3) of article 3 the expression (and legal) shall be added following the expression (canonical).

Library Resource
Dezembro, 2004

The Afghan National Assembly (Loya Jirga) approved the constitution before it was formally signed by transitional president Hamid Karzai.

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