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Community / Land projects / JCP BD-NL Bangladesh Meta Model

JCP BD-NL Bangladesh Meta Model


12/18 - 06/23


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Under pillar 2 of the Joint Cooperation Program Bangladesh, the metamodel for integrated assessment, that was developed during the Formulation of Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100, will be further developed into an operational decision-support tool for adaptive planning, with the aim to support the development of operational investment strategies for the regional and thematic delta programs. In order to enhance specification and ownership, we decided to change the name into Bangladesh metamodel. The Bangladesh Plan 2100 is a long-term, integrated, and holistic vision of water and land management throughout Bangladesh. In the implementation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100, a major task for the Government of Bangladesh will be the continuous cycle of selecting and enhancing projects and programs to be submitted for Five Year Plans (FYPs) and Annual Development Plans (ADPs). The main objective of the metamodel is to support adaptive delta planning (IWRM and ICZM) by key stakeholders such as the General Economics Division, Ministry of Water Resources and others in investment planning and integrated assessment. The Bangladesh metamodel is developed in close collaboration with the project SIBDP, which will provide advisory support to the GED. The Bangladesh metamodel will be developed to support the formulation, analysis and evaluation of alternative projects and programs. Another important objective of the programme is to build capacity at different agencies in Bangladesh for developing, using and owning the metamodel, and develop a structure to embed its maintenance and operation in an effective way. Output of the Bangladesh metamodel In this four-year programme an operational version of the Bangladesh metamodel is extensively developed, tested and applied. In addition, capacity is built at agencies in Bangladesh to be able to maintain and operate the Bangladesh metamodel, as well as extend the model in the future. The metamodel will be dedicated for use in decision-making in the implementation of the BDP2100, with the General Economics Division (GED) of the Planning Commission as primary client. During the programme, application in other Delta and water resources planning processes will be explored. The BWDB, DAE, LGED, BIWTA, DOF, DOE and regional planning and implementation agencies (as example: BMDA and HDB) have been identified as further potential clients of the Bangladesh metamodel. The Bangladesh metamodel will be based on existing data, knowledge and detailed models. There will be no development of new data, knowledge and detailed models. Ownership and roles for organizations will be developed during the project to ensure sustainability after JCP, as well as attention to strong participation from end-users in an iterative approach.

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