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Community / Land projects / Strengthen CCCM services to improve the living conditions and enhancing access to HLP rights of drought-affect

Strengthen CCCM services to improve the living conditions and enhancing access to HLP rights of drought-affect


03/22 - 12/22


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The proposed integrated response aims to respond to the urgent needs of drought-affected IDPs in Bardheere, Ceel Waak, and Luuq through the implementation of Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), Protection, and Shelter/NFIs activities. This drought response will fill existing gaps in ESNFI, CCCM, HLP, and support and complement activities undertaken under other ongoing projects. NoFYL will implement a multi-cluster intervention around Protection and CCCM aiming at ensuring people displaced by drought who join existing sites can immediately receive lifesaving services through community outreach and ensuring mechanisms for communication and feedback on multisector services are available, Improve the living conditions of drought-affected populations through site improvement and maintenance activities that look to decongest and raise the standard of living for individuals living in IDP sites, strengthening coordination structures, improving the coordination, ensures equitable access to services and protection of existing and newly vulnerable drought displaced persons, including the elderly and persons with disabilities in IDP sites, support CMC's to ensure community participation and self-management of sites and information management at a site level. On HLP, intervention NoFYL will undertake eviction risk assessments and monitoring of threats to evictions by assessing potential eviction sites to inform the response. Provision of case management services, legal counseling around land tenure documentation, provision of post-eviction cash-based response packages, and coordinating referrals to other complementary services. ESNFI intervention will be complemented by HAPPen the Shelter partners by improving the living conditions of drought-affected IDPs through the distribution of emergency NFI kits and emergency shelter kits, cases that are identified by NoFYL monitors with Shelter needs will be referred to HAPPen for support. This project will fill existing gaps in ESNFI, CCCM, and HLP support and complement activities undertaken under other ongoing projects. NoFYL will carry CCCM satisfaction survey in all targeted locations within 1 month of each assistance intervention sampling 40-60% of beneficiaries in each location. NoFYL will implement these activities in 15 sites in Bardheere (7), Ceelwaq (3), and luuq (5) with 2,494 households, approximately 17,744 (3042 men, 5,965 women, 3,450 boys, 5,287 girls) will benefit from this intervention, as well as the whole community working in these sites including local authorities, clusters, and other organizations. The multi-sectoral approach will be useful to create synergies enabling the concentration of services and expertise within the same location and the same population leading to achieving a greater impact. NoFYL and HAPPen will build on each other's strengths and better complement each other, ensuring community acceptance and success in implementation. The synergy between the 3 sectoral partners will ensure sound management of the program, greater impact, efficiency, and more cost-effective operations. The project target sites include the following Bardheere District Sites - Mandeeq (152 HHs), Towfiiq (113 HHs), Horseed (252 HHs), Tawakal (139 HHs), Ceelwak (159 HHs), Al Aamin (67 HHs), and Camp Jirix (192 HHs) Ceelwaq District Sites - Tula Qurax (237 HHs), Bardheeera (215 HHs), Qoryoley IDP Camp (205 HHs). Luuq District Sites - Akaro (298 HHs), Busley (352 HHs), Duyacley (298 HHs), Kulmiye (311 HHs), and Hillac IDP camp (154 HHs)

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