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LAND-at-scale Chad: Collective action to bring land to the national political agenda

09 октября 2023

Chad is at the verge of an emerging land tenure crisis. As observed in many countries in Africa, formal and customary tenure systems overlap. Customary tenure systems, that generally prevail in rural areas, differ from region to region, with each its own needs and practices. Land conflicts are abundant, caused by degradation and transformation of land surfaces caused by climate change, as well as land investments by domestic investors with disputed legitimacy.

Learning from and scaling up tenure security approaches in Burkina Faso

15 июля 2022
Lisette Meij

Burkina Faso has a long history of land interventions aiming to achieve tenure security at the local level. The “Observatoire National du Foncier au Burkina-Faso” (ONF-BF) is one of the key players in the country working on mapping land rights within communities at commune-level. How does ONF-BF address the challenge of not only attaining tenure security through mapping, but ensuring these tenure rights last over time?

Overcoming Land Disputes by Fostering Relationships in Communities: Experiences from Zambia's Systematic Land Titling Program

21 июня 2022
Kamiji Malasha

Overcoming Land Disputes by Fostering Relationships in Communities: Experiences from Zambia’s Systematic Land Titling Program

Written by Dimuna Phiri and Kamiji Malasha

Unresolved disputes and disorder, can be addressed through the judicial system. However, the process is expensive, slow, unscalable, and does not focus on reconciling individuals, families and communities. Through the lens of beneficiaries, this article reveals the importance of alternative dispute resolution in land reforms, particularly adjudication committees.

اهمية الإدارة الفعالة للأراضي لتحقيق السلام والاستقرار في المنطقة العربية

17 февраля 2021
Ms. Ombretta Tempra

ترتبط إدارة الأراضي ارتباطًا وثيقًا بالسلام ، فهي مرتبطة بسبل العيش والهوية والسلطة. الإدارة الفعالة  للأراضي ، بما في ذلك الجوانب الرئيسية للوساطة وحل النزاعات المتعلقة بالأراضي وحماية حقوق الإسكان والأراضي والممتلكات للجميع ، بدون استثناء تعد حجر الزاوية لتحقيق السلام.

Leveraging Open Data in the Fight Against Corruption

26 ноября 2019
Clinton Omusula

The land sector is increasingly being cited as a corruption hub. Many countries across the globe are grappling with land-related corruption that dates to the colonial years and which have metamorphosed into historical injustices and continue to be a source of conflict and violation of basic human rights. Cases of land grabbing, compensation-less expropriation, gender-based discrimination in accessing and ownership of land and related resources, illegal mining deals, bribing to access land administration services among others are not new in the lands sector.

“This plot is not for sale!”: Land Administration and Land Disputes in Uganda

06 ноября 2019
Miss Teddy Kisembo

“This plot is not for sale” are the six words you will find, marked on a lot of properties and plots of land in Uganda. The words are meant to ward off quack land or property brokers and conmen. Most of the cases handled in courts in Uganda, and Kampala in particular, are fraud-related cases (like selling land while the true owners are away using counterfeit titles) and land transaction fraud (when fake land titles are obtained and sadly some officers in the land registry are involved).