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Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas

08 февраля 2023 - 12 февраля 2023

La sexta reunión mundial del Foro de los Pueblos Indígenas en el FIDA, a celebrarse los días 9, 10 y 13 de febrero de 2023, se centrará en el Liderazgo de los pueblos indígenas en las cuestiones del clima: soluciones basadas en las comunidades para mejorar la resiliencia y la biodiversidad.

Webinar: Как защитить интересы женщин на Коллективных Землях?

16 ноября 2022
Обмен практическими стратегиями расширения прав и возможностей женщин на коллективно управляемых землях

*Мероприятие будет проводиться на английском языке c синхронным переводом  на русский язык

Resource Equity

World Indigenous Forum

13 января 2021 - 14 января 2021
United Kingdom

The World Indigenous Forum (WIF) is the largest indigenous-focused conference in the world. We exist to support indigenous business owners globally – and to connect them with expert knowledge, international markets and the investment partners they need to finance and scale their businesses.

How to Report On SDG Land Targets in 2021: Introductory Session for Government Partners

26 октября 2020
United States

All the UN member states have committed to achieve the Sustainable Development Targets by 2030. However, there is a clear gap between what is being committed and the delivery of the commitments. For example, in 2020 National Voluntary Reports only seven countries reported on specific land targets. No country reported on the all three key land targets.

Land Portal Foundation
International Land Coalition
Landesa - Rural Development Institute

International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples. Towards Self-Determination and Democratization: Where are we heading?

05 августа 2020 - 07 августа 2020

AIPP is celebrating this year's International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, 2020 by hosting a 3-day webinar from 5-7 August 2020.

On Day 2 (Thursday 6th August) there are two land-related sessions:

Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact

Documentary screening on a mining conflict in KwaZulu-Natal: This land

07 февраля 2019
Pieter de la Courtgebouw / Faculty of Social Sciences, Room 5A-42
, Wassenaarseweg 52

​The Land & Accountability Research Centre (LARC) at the University of Cape Town commissioned the vivid documentary film This Land as a way for rural people to bring the untold story of their struggle for rights and accountability on communal land into urban forums of legislative, political and corporate decision-making.

African Studies Centre Leiden
Land and Accountability Research Centre