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Traditional authorities need a clearer role in land governance

07 мая 2024

Traditional authorities in Zambia complain that the government does not consult them when land is allocated for investment projects, while communities say chiefs are neglecting their interests. Jesinta Kunda of Zambia Land Alliance says more clarity is needed on the role of traditional authorities, in law and practice, to ensure large-scale investments in agriculture, mining and other sectors are governed better – particularly in light of the rising demand for critical minerals found in Zambia. She urges the government, traditional leaders and citizens to seize the opportunities presented by current legal reforms in Zambia to create change.

The Wait is Over

07 февраля 2024
Nicholas Parkinson

The USAID-funded Land for Prosperity Activity  is developing capacity in land administration across all levels of government to strengthen land rights in underfunded municipalities across Colombia.

This Is Our Land: Why Reject the Privatisation of Customary Land

20 июля 2021


Most of the world’s land is still stewarded by communities under customary systems. Billions of people rely on communally managed farmland, pasture, forests and savannahs for their livelihoods. 

This collective management of resources is viewed in the colonial or capitalist economic model as an obstacle to individual wealth creation and private profit. 

Sharing land governance knowledge within the Dutch government through LAND-at-scale

06 июля 2021
Maaike van den Berg

The main objective of the LAND-at-scale program is to directly strengthen essential land governance components for men, women and youth that have the potential to contribute to structural, just, sustainable and inclusive change at scale. An ambitious objective, that cannot be achieved in isolation. Alignment is, therefore, a key factor in all LAND-at-scale activities - be it at project level for our country interventions or through our collaborative approach to knowledge management.