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Non-State Actors Communiqué on Livestock Sector Development in Tanzania

Policy Papers & Briefs
апреля, 2017

In this communiqué, the undersigned Non-State Actors (civil society, pastoralist, research, private, farmers’ unions and other stakeholders) champion a call to action and outline recommendations on livestock policy advocacy strategies that take into consideration the unique conditions and opportunities of the livestock sector development in Tanzania

Estratégia de produção camponesa em Moçambique estudo de caso no sul do Save

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2017

Este estudo tem por objectivo analisar as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores no Sul do Save, em Moçambique. A análise assenta na recolha de dados primários obtidos a partir da administração, em 2015, de 1200 questionários junto da população alvo, no âmbito de um projecto de investigação em curso no Observatório do Meio Rural (OMR) em Moçambique. A reflexão aqui apresentada inspira-se nos contributos das principais correntes teóricas e estudos empíricos relacionados com as estratégias de produção dos pequenos produtores.

Vadose zone transport in dry forests of central Argentina: role of land use

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2017
South America

Most sedimentary plains occupied by semiarid woody ecosystems have low groundwater recharge rates and high vadose zone salt accumulation. Their cultivation has often led to drainage of water below root zone, displacement of solutes, and rising water tables, affecting, in most extreme cases, long-term viability of agriculture. To explore this possibility in semiarid plains of South America, we characterized vadose flow using chloride data in dry forests of central Argentina, in an area that has been subject to intense deforestation and agricultural expansion during the last century.

Awareness and adoption of land,soil and water conservation practices in the Chinyanja Triangle, Southern Africa

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2017
Southern Africa

The promotion of land, soil and water conservation measures has been a widespread development in sub-Saharan Africa in a bid to tackle degradation and improve productivity. As a result, several governments have launched various campaigns on soil, land and water conservation measures. The aim of this study is to determine some of the factors that influence farmers’ awareness (knowledge) and adoption of land, soil and water conservation practices. Data for this study was collected from 312 households using a questionnaire survey in the Chinyanja Triangle of Southern Africa.

La Piedra: Ocupar, resistir, producir y crear

Reports & Research
апреля, 2017

El caso que aquí presentamos, resuena como “el conflicto de Piedra Blanca”, en el contexto de la ocupación y recuperación, por parte de una comunidad organizada por familias bolivianas, de un predio disponible en la ruta nacional 36.La energía del trabajo colectivo fue enfocada en la conformación y fortalecimiento de la Cooperativa de trabajo y producción agropecuaria “Gallo Rojo”.

Beyond zero deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon Progress and remaining challenges to sustainable cattle intensification

Policy Papers & Briefs
апреля, 2017
Central America
South America

Key Messages

• A governance approach, combining public policy and private initiatives was effective in slowing down deforestation, but

was unable to support a transition to more sustainable production systems.

• New technical intensification models must be identified for low-productivity systems in degraded lands, adapted to the

biophysical and sociotechnical conditions of the Amazonian landscapes.

• Multiple constraints inhibit progress toward sustainable intensification of cattle ranching, and reversing them requires that

USAID Report on Land Tenure & Cocoa Production in Ghana

Reports & Research
марта, 2017

The Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG), with support from the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), performed the Ghana Land Tenure Baseline Survey, the first of its kind survey of tenure rights among cocoa farmers in Ghana. CRIG surveyed almost 1,800 cocoa farmers operating 3,900 cocoa plots regarding various land tenure issues within customary sharecropping arrangements and on owner-managed land. This report describes the findings from the Survey.

Género e relações de poder na região sul de Moçambique

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2017

Nos últimos anos os estudos sobre relações de género têm gerado muitos debates, principalmente quando o tema está associado ao meio rural, onde os processos de mudança e de aceitação de transformações de atitudes e comportamentos estão relacionados com a iliteracia, os costumes, tabus, bem como com a divisão social do trabalho configurados por relações de poder marcadas por desigualdades.

CIAT in Asia

Institutional & promotional materials
марта, 2017
Southern Asia

With more than 60 percent of Asian population either directly or indirectly relying on agriculture for livelihood, agriculture remains key to uplifting lives of many people in the region, as well as to providing sufficient and nutritious food for all.

In Asia, CIAT undertakes scientific research enabling smallholder farmers, agri-food businesses, and national governments to use smart technologies and innovations and make evidence-based decisions, towards achieving profitability, environmental sustainability and resiliency in agriculture.

Cropland expansion and grassland loss in the eastern Dakotas: New insights from a farm-level survey

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2017
United Kingdom
United States of America

The western Corn Belt region of the United States has become a hotspot for agricultural extensification and consequent land use and land cover changes. The goals of this research were to characterize geographic patterns of grassland loss resulting from cropland expansion in the eastern Dakotas, and to understand how these changes were associated with characteristics of individual farms and farm operators. We collected data on grassland conversion and other land use decisions through a mail survey of farm operators in North and South Dakota.