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Displaying 1969 - 1980 of 5078

¿Minería versus Agricultura?

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2015

Continúa la convulsión en el valle del Tambo, en la región de Arequipa, departamento del sur del Perú, donde los agricultores iniciaron un paro hace casi dos meses, protestando contra el proyecto minero Tía María, de la empresa Southern Perú Copper Corporation. El gobierno envió a la zona más de dos millares de policías y un contingente de militares. En el distrito de Cocachacra, hubo fuertes enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y policías con un saldo de tres muertos (dos pobladores y un policía) y centenares de heridos, hasta la fecha. 

Género y Agricultura en el Perú: Inclusión de intereses y necesidades de hombres y mujeres en la formulación de políticas públicas

Policy Papers & Briefs
мая, 2015
Central America
South America

Perú tiene una población de treinta millones de personas de las que el 22% vive en zonas rurales. Mujeres y hombres juegan roles esenciales en el ámbito rural del país pues ambos son productores, administradores de recursos, garantes de la seguridad alimentaria, tomadores de decisión y cuidadores de la biodiversidad. Sin embargo, las mujeres rurales no tienen el mismo acceso a recursos productivos y a espacios de toma de decisiones que los hombres, lo que implica una brecha de género en la producción.

Labor Productivity and Employment Gaps in Sub-Saharan Africa

мая, 2015

Drawing on a new set of nationally
representative, internationally comparable household
surveys, this paper provides an overview of key features of
structural transformation—labor allocation and labor
productivity—in four African economies. New, micro-based
measures of sector labor allocation and cross-sector
productivity differentials describe the incentives
households face when allocating their labor. These measures

Are Women Less Productive Farmers?

мая, 2015

African governments and international
development groups see boosting productivity on smallholder
farms as key to reducing rural poverty and safeguarding the
food security of farming and non-farming households.
Prompting smallholder farmers to use more fertilizer has
been a key tactic. Closing the productivity gap between male
and female farmers has been another avenue toward achieving
the same goal. The results in this paper suggest the two are

Household Responses to Shocks in Rural Ethiopia

мая, 2015

This paper uses a stochastic dynamic
programming model to characterize the optimal
savings-consumption decisions and the role of livestock
inventories as a buffer stock in rural Ethiopia. The results
show that relatively land-rich households use accumulation
and liquidation of cattle and other animal inventories for
partial consumption smoothing, while low-income households
appear not to do so. The results highlight the need for

Gabonese Republic Report on Growth and Employment

мая, 2015

In 2009 the Gabonese authorities defined
a new vision whose strategic guidelines are detailed in an
operational plan, the strategic plan for an emerging Gabon
(PSGE) whose goal is to turn Gabon into an emerging country
within one generation. PSGE includes an ambitious public
investment program to develop basic infrastructure and to
create the necessary economic environment for the emergence
of a diversified economy. The major challenge for PSGE, and

Small holder farmers and organic agriculture in South Africa

Reports & Research
апреля, 2015
South Africa

This paper is a systematic review of published literature pertaining to organic agriculture in South Africa. The review gives an overview of the status of the organic sector in South Africa, in terms of both agriculture and market trends. The specific focus is on issues surrounding the development of smallholder farmers within the organic sector. The document includes three case studies of organic smallholder farming projects from around South Africa: the Heiveld Cooperative (Northern Cape), Ezemvelo Farmers’ Organisation (KwaZulu-Natal) and Siyavuna (KwaZulu-Natal).

Gender and Institutional Aspects of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices: Evidence from Kenya

Reports & Research
апреля, 2015
Sub-Saharan Africa
Eastern Africa

This paper analyses gender differences in awareness and adoption of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices. It examines what factors are associated with the likelihood of adoption of a wide range of CSA practices for 376 women and 375 men in two different areas of Kenya. This information is aimed at improving the targeting and design of interventions that are trying to achieve greater and more equitable agricultural development in East Africa and elsewhere.

Panel Discussion: Three Years of the Voluntary Guidelines

апреля, 2015

Why Land Still Matters: Three Years of the Voluntary Guidelines - Where We Are and Where We Are Going Moderator: Heath Cosgrove, USAID's Land Tenure and Resource Management Office Panelists: Paul Munro-Faure, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations; Annalisa Mauro, International Land Coalition (ILC); and Dr. Joan Cuka Kagwanja, Land Policy Initiative, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)

Solomon Islands

апреля, 2015

A slow-moving tropical depression caused
persistent heavy rains in the Solomon Islands between April
1 and 4, 2014. The highest recorded daily rainfall
associated with this event was 318mm in Honiara on April 3.
The rains caused flash flooding in Honiara, Guadalcanal,
Isabel, Malaita, and Makira-Ulawa. More than 732mm of rain
was recorded over four days at the Honiara rain gauge,
although heavier rainfall was reported inland. On April 5,

Environmental and Social Policy and Procedures

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
апреля, 2015
Western Asia
Northern Africa

The North Eastern Region (NER) in India is endowed with rich energy resources but faces significant bottlenecks in electricity access and availability levels. The per capita power consumption in NER is one-third of the national average. The region has a shortfall of about 500MW installed capacity against peak demand of about 1950 MW. No significant generation capacity has been added in the recent past. Therefore, inadequate power supply continues a critical constraint to sustainable growth and economic development in the NER.