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Displaying 2317 - 2328 of 5078

Improving Land Acquisition and Voluntary Land Conversion in Vietnam

июня, 2014

Successive policies of the Government of
Vietnam for economic reform and modernization have helped
Vietnam to emerge as one of the world's fastest growing
economies. The report provides continued recommendations on
improving land policies to ensure efficiency of their
practical implementation and to target at both economic
development and social sustainability. Policies with regard
to voluntary benefits sharing, promoting the participation

Land Reform, Rural Development, and Poverty in the Philippines : Revisiting the Agenda

июня, 2014

The goal of this report is to take stock
of the existing evidence on the impact of the Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) on poverty, to examine the
current challenges that an extension of CARP would face, and
to suggest directions toward achieving progress on land
reform given the financial and policy constraints faced by
the program. The report starts by examining the nature and
relevance of the challenges that an extension of the land

Bhutan Development Update, April 2014

июня, 2014

After a policy-engineered slowdown in
2012, which saw GDP growth decline to 4.8 percent, the
lowest since 2008, Bhutan's economy is expected to
rebound to 6.5 percent this year, supported by hydropower
construction and higher electricity and food production,
following favorable rains. The tight fiscal stance
introduced in 2012 has been maintained to bring spending in
line with lower non-hydro revenues and a slowdown in foreign

Wealth Sharing for Conflict Prevention and Economic Growth : Botswana Case Study of Natural Resource Utilization for Peace and Development

июня, 2014

There are countries in Asia, Europe, the
Middle East and even a few such countries in Africa that are
using non-renewable resources to drive development and have
not experienced conflict. South Africa, Namibia, Botswana,
and Zambia are such typical cases in Africa. Instead, the
presence of significant minerals in Botswana is associated
with economic development and democracy as well as peace.
This paper applies the "resource curse", thesis to

Logistics, Transport and Food
Prices in LAC : Policy Guidance for Improving Efficiency and
Reducing Costs

июня, 2014

This introductory section explains the
rationale for the guidance note, reflecting on the relevance
of food prices in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC),
their impact on the poor and the effect that logistics and
transport costs have on those prices. Based upon that
framework, the note provides an overview of the logistics
and transport hurdles faced by importers and consumers in
the region as food products move through the logistics

Implications of the Organization of the Commodity Production and Processing Industry : The Soybean Chain in Argentina

июня, 2014

The study includes four sections: i)
brief production background; ii) description of the
Argentine soybean value chain; iii) evolution of the main
policies and institutional regimes in Argentina; iv) lessons
learned related to the political economy and the industrial
organization. The study describes the main policies
implemented in Argentina during the last two decades which
had impact on the structure of the soybean value chain and

Liberia : Gender-Aware Programs and Women's Roles in Agricultural Value Chains

июня, 2014

This Policy Memorandum provides policy
advice to the government of Liberia (GOL) in an effort to
mainstream gender issues in policies, programs, and projects
supporting agricultural production and value-chain
development. It is organized as follows. Section I reviews
women's roles in Liberian agriculture and agricultural
value chains, drawing on a variety of data sources,
including the 2007 Core Welfare Indicator Questionnaire

Growth through Innovation : An Industrial Strategy for Shanghai

июня, 2014

In broad terms, the sources of economic
growth are well understood but relatively few countries have
succeeded in effectively harnessing this knowledge for
policy purposes so as to sustain high rates of growth over
an extended period of time (commission on growth and
development 2008; Yusuf 2009a). This study argues, however,
that a high growth strategy which puts technology upgrading
and innovation at the center might warrant a different

Bulgaria : Forest Policy Note

июня, 2014

This focus note presents key findings of
a 2008 report on implementing Financial Action task Force
(FATF) standards in developing countries The Financial
Sector Reform and Strengthening(FIRST) Initiative funded a
five-country study to analyze the effects of anti-money
laundering (AML) and combating the financing of terrorism
(CFT) regulation on access to finance, especially in
low-income populations. Standard AML and CFT measures

Environmental Crisis or Sustainable Development Opportunity? Transforming the Charcoal Sector in Tanzania : A Policy Note

июня, 2014

The policy note builds on experience
from both Tanzania and other Sub-Saharan African countries
with similar socioeconomic and environmental contexts. This
policy note puts forward and discusses a range of policy
measures along the entire charcoal value chain in Tanzania.
The development of this policy note benefited from a variety
of recent studies on charcoal utilization and trade
conducted in the country. This policy note is structured as

The Middle Class Consensus and Economic Development

июня, 2014

Modern political economy stresses
"society's polarization" as a determinant of
development outcomes. Among the most common dorms of social
conflict are class polarization, and ethnic polarization. A
middle class consensus is defined as a high share of income
for the middle class and a low degree of ethnic
polarization. A middle class consensus distinguishes
development successes from failures. A theoretical model

More than just a business

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2014

Family farming has many different meanings to many different people. While such farms come in all shape and sizes, one thing all practitioners agree on is that family farming is more than a business – it’s a way of life. The following article shows what constitutes this way of life, the challenges that family farms in Europe and throughout the world face and why and how the European Union supports this type of enterprise.