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Madagascar : Rural and Environmental Sector Review, Volume 2. Technical Annexes

сентября, 2013

This review aims to provide the
Government of Madagascar with a situation assessment and
insights and guidance on how to position the rural and
environment sector as an engine for inclusive and
sustainable economic growth. The review has cast the
analytical net quite widely with the aim to come up with a
comprehensive overview of the sector. In view of the
intimate linkages between rural development and the

Trends, Patterns and Trajectories in Brokering Small Scale Farmer Engagement with Private Enterprises in Selected Countries of Southeast Asia

Reports & Research
августа, 2013

The agri food system across the globe is fast restructuring. While smallholder farmers remain to be a major stakeholder, situation changes from where “the farm producing what the household consumes and consumes what the farm produce” to “the farm sourcing inputs outside the farms and producing beyond the farm for other households/communities/cities as well”.

Élaboration d'un bail emphytéotique et d'un cahier des charges pour la juste compensation dans le cadre du barrage Kandadji au Niger

Reports & Research
августа, 2013

Le barrage de Kandadji, actuellement en construction au Niger, déplacera 38 000 personnes. Le Haut Commissariat à l’Aménagement de la Vallée du Niger (HCAVN) s’est engagé, conformément aux dispositions juridiques en la matière, à compenser les terres traditionnelles perdues par des terres irriguées, dans le cadre du Programme Kandadji.

Development of an emphyteutic ('long-term') lease for fair compensation in the context of the Kandadji dam programme in Niger

Reports & Research
августа, 2013

The Kandadji dam, currently under construction in Niger, will displace 38,000 people. The High Commission for the Development of the Niger Valley (HCAVN), in accordance with national law, is committed to compensating people for the traditionally-owned land that they will lose.

Adjustment and Sensitivity Analyses of a Beta Global Rangeland Model

Reports & Research
августа, 2013

G-Range is a global model that simulates generalized changes in rangelands through time,

created with support from the International Livestock Research Institute. Spatial data and a set

of parameters that control plant growth and other ecological attributes in landscape units

combine with computer code to represent ecological process such as soil nutrient and water

dynamics, vegetation growth, fire, and wild and domestic animal offtake. The model is spatial,

with areas of the world divided into square cells.

The disjunctures of land and agrarian reform in South Africa. Implications for the agri-food system

Reports & Research
августа, 2013
South Africa

Includes agri-food regimes and corporate concentration in the agri-food system in South Africa; three broad phases of land reform, 1994-99, 1999-2007, 2007 to the present; two competing views of small-scale agriculture, land reform and small-scale agricultural production, smallholder farmer support.

Mexico : Land Policy--A Decade after the Ejido Reform

августа, 2013

This study aims to assess the extent to
which reforms have actually been implemented, the impact
they have had on the rural population, and the challenges
which, as a consequence, need to be addressed by the new
administration. This report is organized as follows: Section
1 describes Mexico's rural economy. It reviews the
broad context of macro, trade, and sector-level reforms, the
strengths and weaknesses of both the productive and

Poland - The Functioning of the Labor, Land and Financial Markets : Opportunities and Constraints for Farming Sector Restructuring

августа, 2013

This study identifies several factors
that inhibit efficiency improvements in the farming sector,
both in themselves and through the dynamics of their mutual
interaction. The study observes that incentives faced in the
labor market have important implications for the land
structure and, and in many ways, are at the heart of the
problem of low labor productivity in agriculture. The study
finds that, while rural households are increasingly

Agriculture Non-Point Source Pollution Control

августа, 2013

The Chesapeake Bay is the largest and
historically most productive estuary in the United States.
It is approximately 200 miles long and 35 mile wide at it
broadest point. The Bay's watershed includes parts of
six states (Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania,
Virginia, West Virginia, and the entire District of
Columbia. This area encompasses 64,000 square-miles, 150
major rivers and streams and has a population of 15.1

Sustaining Forests : A Development Strategy

августа, 2013

Forest resources directly contribute to
the livelihoods of 90 percent of the 1.2 billion people
living in extreme poverty and indirectly support the natural
environment that nourishes agriculture and the food supplies
of nearly half the population of the developing world.
Forests also are central to growth in many developing
countries through trade and industrial development. However,
mismanagement of this resource has cost governments revenues

Running Pure : The Importance of Forest Protected Areas to Drinking Water

августа, 2013

This report focuses on one specific
interaction: the role of forests, and particularly protected
forests, in maintaining quality of drinking water for large
cities. There are many reasons for this focus: many city
dwellers already face a crisis of water quality, and
contaminated water spreads a vast and largely unnecessary
burden in terms of short and long-term health impacts
including infant mortality, with knock-on effects on ability

Making a Visible Difference in Our Wrld

августа, 2013

Like the 2003 Fifth World Parks Congress
in Durban, South Africa, this publication is structured
around themes and issues on the cutting edge of research,
policy, and practice in the field of protected areas. It
highlights contributions by the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) and presents its perspectives for the future. This
publication comprises of the following topics : Tribute to
Africa; A Historic Role for Protected Areas; Protected Areas