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India Economic Update, September 2012

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
сентября, 2012
Southern Asia

Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth has slowed to a nine year low of 6.5 percent for FY2011-12, from 8.4 percent in the two previous years. The slowdown was most pronounced in the industrial sector, and more specifically in manufacturing and mining. In the quarter ending in June 2012, industrial output growth as measured by the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) has been negative. The contraction was particularly pronounced in the production of capital goods, which is in line with falling investment demand on the expenditure side of the National Accounts.

Sugar beet and its use in agroenvironmental measures

Policy Papers & Briefs
сентября, 2012
Czech Republic

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biostrips on the bio­diversity of plants and game animals in fields near Sardice (Czech Republic) and to propose some improvements. The experiment was carried out in an organic farm with cereals as the main crops. The biodiversity was assessed by the line method (game birds and mammals) and according to Dostal (flora) and Braun-Blanqueta (plant coverage). As shown by our results biostrips have an important function in agroecosystems. We suggest to include seeds of sugar beet to the seed mixtures used in biostrips.

Expansão agrícola, preços e apropriação de terra por estrangeiros no Brasil

Journal Articles & Books
августа, 2012
América do Sul
A recente "corrida mundial por terras" transformou a América Latina, em geral, e o Brasil, em particular, em alvos preferenciais para negócios com aumento considerável de investimentos estrangeiros no setor agropecuário, inclusive na compra de terras, com a participação de empresas do setor financeiro. Mesmo sendo um mercado de baixa liquidez, negócios com terras não são novidade no Brasil, mas têm aumentado consideravelmente após 2002, sendo, inclusive, possível perceber esse processo no sistema de cadastro do Instituto Nacionalde Colonização e Reforma Agrária (Incra).

Returning Young Mexican Farmers to the Land

августа, 2012

This note recounts that by the early
2000s, the Government of Mexico and the Secretariat of
Agrarian Reform, in particular, had come to see investment
in "the more dynamic young segment of the population
endowed with more human capital" as the key to
revitalizing the moribund rural economy of the
country's social sector. Approaching this objective
programmatically would entail establishing a land fund from

Assessing the Carbon Benefits of Improved Land Management Technologies

августа, 2012

Ensuring food security under changing
climate conditions is one of the major challenges of our
era. Agriculture must not only become increasingly
productive, but must also adapt to climate change while
reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Soil carbon
sequestration, the process by which atmospheric carbon
dioxide is taken up by plants through photosynthesis and
stored as carbon in biomass and soils, can support these

The Lay of the Land : Land Access and Dispute Resolution in Timor-Leste

августа, 2012

This report examines land access,
disputes, and dispute resolution in Timor-Leste, using
findings from the justice module included in an extension of
the 2007 Timor-Leste Survey of Living Standards (TLSLS2) and
a review of relevant social-science literature. The
extension survey (TLSLSx) revisited a nationally
representative subsample of the TLSLS2 between April and
October 2008. The respondent for the justice module was

Colombia : The Role of Land in Involuntary Displacement

августа, 2012

Internal displacement in Colombia has
become more prevalent and serious. Expulsion of land users
to gain territorial control is increasingly a tactical
element in the conflict. High land inequality makes it
easier to uproot populations. Providing assistance to
displaced populations does not reduce their propensity to
return. Together with other measures, a land policy that
increases tenure security for those at risk of displacement,

Implementing Low-Cost Rural Land Certification : The Case of Ethiopia

августа, 2012

This report is about implementing
low-cost rural land certification. Prior to 1975,
Ethiopia's land tenure system was complex and
semi-feudal. Tenure was highly insecure, arbitrary evictions
were common, and many lands underutilized. High inequality
of land ownership reduced productivity and investment,
leading to political grievances and eventually the overthrow
of the imperial regime in 1975. The Marxist government that

China : Integrated Land Policy Reform in a Context of Rapid Urbanization

августа, 2012

This report is about integrated land
policy reform in context of rapid urbanization in China.
Over the past thirty years, China has undergone a profound
economic and social transformation as it moves towards a
market-oriented economy. Land issues are implicated in this
ongoing transformation in numerous ways. The allocation and
security of land rights are key factors in China's
quest for economic growth and social stability. Land use