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PROTOCOL: Interventions promoting resilience through climate-smart agricultural practices for women farmers: A systematic review

декабря, 2021

This is the protocol for a Campbell systematic review. The objectives are as follows:
the primary objective of this review is to synthesise evidence of the effectiveness of
interventions to promote climate‐smart agriculture to enhance agricultural outcomes
and resilience of women farmers in low‐and‐middle‐income countries (research
question 1). The secondary objective is to examine evidence along the causal
pathway from access to interventions to promote climate‐smart agriculture to

How To" manual for informing crop wild relative conservation and use benefit-sharing mechanism design and implementation

декабря, 2021

The fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources is one of the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); while under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and agriculture (ITPGRFA) Article 9.2b addresses the right to equitably participate in sharing benefits arising from the utilization of PGRFA. Benefits may include monetary and non-monetary benefits, including but not limited to those listed in the Annex of
the Nagoya Protocol.

Impact Investment in Agriculture in Africa: A Case study of Ethiopia, Sudan, Mali, and Senegal

декабря, 2021

Climate change is a growing threat to agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa, leading to rising poverty and malnutrition. Implementing climate smart agricultural practices at scale will require substantial investments from private and public actors. To understand the impacts of recent investments, challenges and perspectives, this study analyzes agricultural value chain investments in four African countries in the Sahel region: Senegal, Mali, Ethiopia, and Sudan.

Climate-smart aquaculture practices for smallholder fish farmers in Zambia: Integrated fish-livestock training workshop report

декабря, 2021

Training on climate-smart aquaculture (CSA) practices for smallholder fish farmers targeted small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs (SMEs) in Zambia, as well as fisheries and livestock extension officers offering services to the farmers. The SMEs included recipients of accelerator grants from the Accelerating the Impact of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project that were given for the aquaculture value chain and other SMEs offering aquaculture-related goods and services.

TH3.2: Youth transitions and livestock in Kenya

декабря, 2021

Globally, youth transitions to adulthood are becoming more complex. The relative importance of key milestones that are used to describe the transition from youth to adulthood are culturally embedded and change across generations. So called ‘critical moments' may include completing education, moving from school to the labour force, leaving home, marriage, and parenthood. In the global south, sub–Saharan Africa in particular, agricultural and livestock assets are also culturally valued and often critical to supporting major achievements in transitions.

The impact of user characteristics of smallholder farmers on user experiences with collaborative map applications

декабря, 2021

In the future, farmers will have increasing opportunities to use collaborative smartphone applications for agricultural management. Geospatial information in combination with agricultural-relevant information is a great source of knowledge for farmers. Including maps in collaborative mobile agriculture applications benefits communication processes related to agricultural-relevant questions. Ensuring a positive user experience with map interfaces depends on their design.

National food consumption and micronutrient survey 2021: preliminary report

декабря, 2021

The last National Food Consumption and Micronutrient Survey (NFCMS) was undertaken about 20 years ago in 2001 (Maziya-Dixon, et al., 2004; Nigeria Food Consumption and Nutrition Survey 2001-2003, IITA, https://hdl.handle.net/10568/100010). The findings of that study likely no longer represent the current micronutrient status or dietary consumption patterns of the Nigerian population.

Resilient, healthy, and sustainable food systems for biodiversity conservation and use 2030 Action Targets: A global collection of good practice cases

декабря, 2021

This guide is a showcase of good practices from around the world that use food systems as a pathway to meet many interconnected biodiversity-related targets in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Intended for practitioners and policymakers, it does not set out a ‘one size fits all’ approach but rather good practice examples that have the potential to be adapted and scaled in a variety of food systems around the world.

Multiyear Maize management dataset collected in Chiapas, Mexico

декабря, 2021

For several decades, maize (Zea mays L.) management decisions in smallholder farming in tropical regions have been a puzzle. To best balance alternative management practices' environmental and economic outcomes, an extensive dataset was gathered through CIMMYT's knowledge hub in Chiapas, a state in southern Mexico. In a knowledge hub, farmers, with the support of farm advisors, compare conventional and improved agronomic practices side-by-side and install demonstration fields where they implement improved practices. In all these fields data on on-farm operations and results is collected.

Political Economy of the Wheat Sector in Uzbekistan Seed Systems, Variety Adoption and Impacts

декабря, 2021

Agriculture plays an important role in the economy of Uzbekistan contributing 16%
to GDP and 44% to employment. Uzbekistan has a land area of 44.8 million ha, of
which about 4.5 million ha is arable, and 4 million ha is irrigated. Main cultivated crops
are cotton, wheat, barley, rice, maize, potatoes, and horticultural crops (vegetables and
fruits). The population of Uzbekistan was estimated at 34 million in 2019 and continues
to grow at a rate of 1.67% per year (WB, 2019). Currently, an estimated 18 million