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Agroforestry creates carbon sinks whilst enhancing the environment in agricultural landscapes in Europe

Peer-reviewed publication
марта, 2019
United States of America

Agroforestry, relative to conventional agriculture, contributes significantly to carbon sequestration, increases a range of regulating ecosystem services, and enhances biodiversity. Using a transdisciplinary approach, we combined scientific and technical knowledge to evaluate nine environmental pressures in terms of ecosystem services in European farmland and assessed the carbon storage potential of suitable agroforestry systems, proposed by regional experts.


Policy Papers & Briefs
февраля, 2019

El año 2018 Bolivia ha iniciado por primera vez en su historia, la producción de dos fertilizantes químicos importantes para la agricultura: la urea producida en la planta de Bulo Bulo (Chapare-Cochabamba) y el muriato de potasa (cloruro de potasio) en base a los yacimientos evaporíticos del salar de Uyuni. Estos fertilizantes proporcionaran dos macronutrientes indispensables para el crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas: nitrógeno y potasio respectivamente.  

Emerging Corporate and Investor Practice to Support Community Land Rights. Case Studies from Malawi, Mozambique, and Malaysia

Reports & Research
февраля, 2019

This report aims to illustrate how selected companies in Malawi, Mozambique and Malaysia are implementing commitments to international best practices on land rights. The companies referenced in this paper are in the process of developing and improving ways to address land tenure rights, and for this reason, the cases ought to be viewed as examples of emerging company experiences, which can contribute to establishing best practices.

Socially responsible land investment in Ghana: A guidebook for business enterprises considering agricultural investment in Ghana

Reports & Research
февраля, 2019

The Business Enterprise Guidebook aims to help companies and investots understand how to facilitate a responsible investment in Ghana. This Guidebook includes information on international standards and best practices, Ghana’s governance and community landscape, and how to manage an agricultural investment responsibly.

New research about gender, land and mining in Mongolia: deepening understanding of coping strategies in pastoral communities

Conference Papers & Reports
февраля, 2019

This paper shares findings from new research on gender and land in a pastoralist community in central- western Mongolia, with a complex structure of investment and operations in gold mining. The paper examines what has been learned from the research about people's coping strategies in the face of social and environmental change, specifically in the context of the development of mining since the transition from socialism and in a relatively isolated area.

What Awaits Myanmar’s Uplands Farmers? Lessons Learned from Mainland Southeast Asia

Peer-reviewed publication
февраля, 2019
South-Eastern Asia

Mainland Southeast Asia (MSA) has seen sweeping upland land use changes in the past decades, with transition from primarily subsistence shifting cultivation to annual commodity cropping. This transition holds implications for local upland communities and ecosystems. Due to its particular political regime, Myanmar is at the tail of this development.

Deforestation and Forest Degradation as an Environmental Behavior: Unpacking Realities Shaping Community Actions

Peer-reviewed publication
февраля, 2019

Deforestation and forest degradation (D&D) in the tropics have continued unabated and are posing serious threats to forests and the livelihoods of those who depend on forests and forest resources. Smallholder farmers are often implicated in scientific literature and policy documents as important agents of D&D. However, there is scanty information on why smallholders exploit forests and what the key drivers are. We employed behavioral sciences approaches that capture contextual factors, attitudinal factors, and routine practices that shape decisions by smallholder farmers.

Predicting Land Use Changes in Philadelphia Following Green Infrastructure Policies

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2019
United States of America

Urbanization is a rapid global trend, leading to consequences such as urban heat islands and local flooding. Imminent climate change is predicted to intensify these consequences, forcing cities to rethink common infrastructure practices. One popular method of adaptation is green infrastructure implementation, which has been found to reduce local temperatures and alleviate excess runoff when installed effectively. As cities continue to change and adapt, land use/landcover modeling becomes an important tool for city officials in planning future land usage.

Combating Land Degradation and Desertification: The Land-Use Planning Quandary

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2019

Land-use planning (LUP), an instrument of land governance, is often employed to protect land and humans against natural and human-induced hazards, strengthen the resilience of land systems, and secure their sustainability. The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) underlines the critical role of appropriate local action to address the global threat of land degradation and desertification (LDD) and calls for the use of local and regional LUP to combat LDD and achieve land degradation neutrality. The paper explores the challenges of putting this call into practice.

GLF Kyoto 2019 Concept Note: Climate, Landscapes and Lifestyles

Conference Papers & Reports
января, 2019

From May 8-12, the world’s leading experts on climate change will gather in Kyoto, Japan, 22 years after the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, the first legally binding treaty to cut greenhouse gases. Scheduled to coincide with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) plenary meetings on the “2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories,” the upcoming Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) conference will attract 300 delegates with tens of thousands more engaged in interactive online sessions and guest video addresses around the world.

Can economic and environmental benefits associated with agricultural intensification be sustained at high population densities? A farm level empirical analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
января, 2019

Boserup’s pioneering theory holds that rising population density can be accompanied by sustainable agricultural intensification. But can this positive relationship be sustained indefinitely, or are there conditions under which rising population density can lead to declining agricultural productivity? This study utilizes survey data on farm households in Kenya and soil samples on their main maize plots to assess whether Boserupian agricultural intensification is sustainable at high population densities.