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Tunisia Agricultural Finance Study : Main Summary Report

марта, 2014

The Tunisia agricultural finance study
was carried out in response to a request made in December
2009 by the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) for
support for a study on the key constraints in agricultural
finance. Technical and financial support was specifically
requested for: (i) a comprehensive diagnostic analysis of
the current mechanisms and problems of financing of the
agricultural sector in Tunisia, including those by financial

Logistics Development and Trade Facilitation in Lao PDR

марта, 2014

This report is part of a strategy to
promotes trade competitiveness within the East Asia and
Pacific Region. It presents an overview of the logistics
issues facing East Asia countries and proposes a development
agenda for them. Based on the recognition that the
countries have basic differences in their level of
development, extent of openness, and composition of trade,
it begins by discussing the benefits of improved logistics.

Does Ignoring Heterogeneity in Impacts Distort Project Appraisals? An Experiment for Irrigation in Vietnam

марта, 2014

Could the simplifying assumptions made
in project appraisal be so far from the truth that the
expected benefits of public investments are not realized?
Using data for Vietnam, commonly used estimates of the
benefits from irrigation investments based on means are
compared with impacts assessed through an econometric
modeling of marginal returns that allows for household and
area heterogeneity using integrated household-level survey

Clarifying roles in extension processes

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2014

Rural extension services are an extremely complex affair. This is due to the wide range of constellations in which farmers operate nowadays, and also to the large number of players who are active in advisory services, with their different tasks, values and mandates. With reference to Germany’s rural extension services, our author shows who is taking on which role and where conflicts might potentially arise.

Setting out from farmer realities

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2014

The aim of the “Management advice for family farms” (MAFF) approach is to strengthen the abilities of farmers to manage their farms and improve their economic and social autonomy. In Francophone Africa, this holistic concept has been applied successfully for almost two decades.

Biovision’s Farmer Communication Programme

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2014

In many parts of Africa, formal education and training in agriculture is almost nonexistent. Swiss Biovision Foundation supports farmers via its Farmer Communication Programme. While it takes advantage of its close links with research institutions, the ideas and experiences of farmers also flow directly into its course contents.

Farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2014

Innovation takes place not only in laboratories, and disseminating knowledge need not depend on classrooms. The Cambodian GIZ project “Best Farmer 2012” is an example of how achievements of small-scale farmers can be appreciated and their co-farmers can simultaneously benefit from new insights.

From lab to field to market

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2014

“There is plenty of innovation. The trick is to get it to the farmers,” it is often said when technology transfer to farmers, and smallholders in particular, is referred to. In addition to the financial resources, they often lack the knowledge needed to be able to benefit from the new technologies. The ‘whole value chain approach’ of the Africa Harvest organisation shows how technology transfer can work.

A (women)farmer-first approach – a case study from Papua New Guinea

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2014
Papua New Guinea

The Government extension services in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are weak. There is a general lack of money and staff, and the country has a poor infrastructure. Above all small-scale farmers in remote areas are left out of developments. This applies in particular to women farmers, despite their providing 85 per cent of the rural workforce.

Sementes da luta pela terra na Fronteira Brasil-Uruguai:

Reports & Research
февраля, 2014
South America
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar as mudanças recentes no espaço agrário da fronteira Brasil-Uruguai, mais precisamente no que diz respeito à questão agrária e camponesa. Com um viés libertário, procurase realizar uma análise a respeito da introdução dos projetos de Assentamentos Rurais de Reforma Agrária no município de Santana do Livramento-RS e das recentes ocupações de terra em Bella Unión-UY. Para tal, elabora-se um resgate histórico a respeito do conceito de campesinato com ênfase na discussão a respeito do anarquismo agrário.