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Pastoral livestock losses and post-drought rehabilitation in subsaharan Africa: Policy options and issues

Reports & Research
декабря, 1986

This paper examines post-drought rehabilitation policies to aid recovery in pastoral livestock production in Africa. It starts by describing the main impact of drought on livestock production and the sequences of this for the national economy. It considers the range of policy options open to governments and development agencies in this area and the problems associated with each one. It then examines the provision of credit to herders to aid in the reconstitution of livestock holdings, and associates the particular issues with the implementation of such projects.

Forest resources mapping of Liberia

Policy Papers & Briefs
ноября, 1986
United States of America

This report covers the work of forest resources mapping undertaken by the Remote Sensing Unit of the Forestry Development Authority of Liberia between March 1982 and June 1984. Its principle aim is to reassess the actual forest cover area of Liberia by interpretation of recent aerial photography and the subsequent transfer of this photo detail to 1 in 125,000 map series. The procedures adopted for this mapping study are detailed.

La genética y los bosques del futuro

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1986

El principal articulo de este nmero de Unasylva, que es del Profesor Gene Namkoong, se basa en la ponencia que present a los debates sobre recursos genticos en el Noveno Congreso Forestal Mundial, celebrado en Mxico, D.F., en julio de 1985. Considerando problemas de naturaleza tanto tcnica como tica, el Dr. Namkoong esboza varias estrategias alternativas para la ordenacin de los recursos genticos de las plantas leosas y examina su aplicacin a una serie de condiciones socioeconmicas, niveles de tecnologa y objetivos biolgicos.

1985 - Année internationale de la forêt

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1985

Le rle de la fort dans la recherche de la scurit alimentaire fait l'objet de l'article principal. Ce rle est vident et multiple: maintien, amlioration ou restauration de la capacit productive des systmes agricoles, apport direct de produits alimentaires vgtaux et animaux, production d'nergie domestique indispensable la cuisine. L'article suivant traite du danger que prsentent les pluies acides. Enfin, il faut considrer que les meilleurs gardiens des ressources forestires devraient tre les populations qui en sont les premires bnficiaires.

International year of the forest

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1985

The lead article on forestry and food security describes the importance of forestry In the maintenance, improvement or rehabilitation of the productive capacity of agriculture. Following is an article dealing with the threat of acid rain. Finally, it must be kept in mind that the best guardians of forest resources are the people who are the first to benefit from them. Therefore, the efforts of non-governmental organizations should be directed toward helping to increase people's participation in all aspects of forest management. The third article deals with this topic.

La sylviculture et la crise en Afrique

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1985

Le prsent numro d'Unasylva est principalement consacr l'Afrique. Une bonne partie du continent a t ravage par plusieurs annes successives de scheresse, et des millions d'tres humains souffrent de faim et de malnutrition. Dans de nombreux pays d'Afrique, les cultures empitent rapidement sur les forts et les zones arides cause de la famine.

Identificacion de Potenciales Piscicolas y Areas para el Desarrollo de la Piscicultura en la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial. Informe de mision

Policy Papers & Briefs
ноября, 1985
Equatorial Guinea

Durante todo el desarrollo de la presente consultoría, el consultor recibió el apoyo de las autoridades del Ministerio de Aguas, Bosques y Repoblación Forestal, asi como de la Oficina de la FAO en Malabo, sin cuya colaboración no hubiera sido posible finalizar el trabajo. Se recibió también el apoyo por parte de la Representación de las Naciones Unidas. Se agradece especialmente al Viceministro de Aguas, Bosques y Repoblación Forestal, Sr. Angel Alogo Nchama, al igual que al Director General de Pesca, Sr. Pedro Bayeme Ayingono.

Forestry and the crisis in Africa

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 1985

This issue of Unasylva focuses on Africa. A large part of the continent has been overrun by drought in successive years, and millions of people are exposed to hunger and malnutrition. In many African countries, cultivation is because of hunger - rapidly expanding into forest land and areas of low rainfall. This process, coupled with necessarily unmanaged exploitation for fuelwood, fodder and other basic goods and services that forests and trees provide, has led to a progressively increasing rate of deforestation.