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Promising Aquaculture Technologies and Innovations for Transforming Food Systems Toward Low Emission Pathways in Kenya: A Review

декабря, 2022

This work aimed at (1) reviewing published documents and reports to identify TIMPs with the potential for scaling to reduce GHGE, (2) identifying the constraints and challenges faced by different value chain actors in scaling aquatic food system TIMPs from the angle of low emission development, (3) identifying potential social, economic, and environmental co-benefits and spillover effects from scaling the TIMPs, and (4) conducting a stakeholder consultation in Kisumu County, Kenya, to map out aquaculture value chains and identify sources of emissions, and identify promising TIMPs for scalin

Cloud-based crop type mapping for Nandi County, Kenya

декабря, 2022

Crop type mapping is essential to agriculture applications, including yield estimates, crop planting acreage statistics, agricultural market predictions, and land use change analysis that support relevant decision-making. Since 2008, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) has produced the annual Cropland Data Layer (CDL) with 108 crop types and 26 other land-use types for the CONUS Climate Console at 30 meters spatial resolution.

The CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy

декабря, 2022

This CGIAR Initiative on Aquatic Foods: Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Strategy provides guidance on how to undertake AqFS research for development through a gender lens. The strategy’s main objectives are: (i) to ensure that there is gender inclusiveness and responsiveness in technological, social, financial and institutional innovations; (ii) to provide avenues for wealth generation and improving livelihoods of people relying on small-scale fisheries (SSFs) and sustainable aquaculture; (iii) to pave the

Why the data gaps in Indian aquaculture need to be addressed to contribute to its efficient and sustainable development

декабря, 2022

Identification of the data gaps can help determine the appropriate methods to improve aquaculture farm operation, production and market access, as well as community capacity. The data gaps can be addressed by
creating a national aquaculture database in collaboration with various stakeholders including government bodies, research institutes, private entities, and aquaculture farmers.

IWMI & CEEW Study: Integrating Food, Land, and Water for Poverty Reduction in Odisha

декабря, 2022

International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) organized a state consultation workshop on 14 December 2023 on ‘Policy Coherence in Food, Land, and Water (FLW) Systems: A case study of Odisha’ at Bhubaneswar as a part of the CGIAR Research Initiative on National Policies and Strategies Initiatives (NPS). The Food, Land and Water (FLW) project aims to identify key state-level policies in the food, land, and water systems that have a practical scope for improving coherence and hold most potential for creating an impact.

Evaluation Assessment of CRMAE Curriculum Effectiveness in Senegal

декабря, 2022

The Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA) project aims to enhance access to climate information services and validated climate-smart agriculture technologies in Africa, to help these countries strengthen the resilience of their agricultural sectors to the threat posed by climate change. Strengthening the capacity of next users, particularly agricultural extension and advisory service (EAS) providers who work to support farmers in Senegal and five other target countries, is crucial for achieving this goal.

In situ monitoring system in the dry corridor of Guatemala through the establishment of a digital agricultural plot /Sistema de monitoreo in situ en el corredor seco de Guatemala a través del establecimiento de una parcela agrícola digital

декабря, 2022

The In-situ Monitoring System in the Dry Corridor of Guatemala represents a testing ground for automated agricultural. Located in the region's challenging dry corridor, this innovative plot, supported by CGIAR, CUNORI University, and the CGIAR initiatives on Digital Innovation and AgriLac, is designed to enhance decision-making and efficiency for small-scale farmers. It achieves this through advanced in situ sensors and technologies that deliver precise data on climate and soil conditions.

Awareness day on the importance and conservation of the Ziziphus tree

декабря, 2022

Silvopastoral systems, integrating tree cultivation with livestock grazing, offer sustainable agricultural practices with environmental benefits. This study explores the vital role of Ziziphus species in Tunisian silvopastoral systems, emphasizing their ecological, economic, and cultural significance. The genus, comprising Ziziphus lotus, Ziziphus spina-christi, and Ziziphus mauritaniana, contributes to soil conservation, water retention, and biodiversity enhancement. Economic benefits include nutritional fruits, medicinal resources, and income generation.

High value crop products and rural prosperity: The role of operations research and analytics

декабря, 2022

This working paper examines the pivotal role of High Value Crop Products (HVCPs) in modern agricultural research and development, emphasizing their potential to significantly enhance rural prosperity and address global challenges such as poverty and food security. The paper argues for a shift in agricultural focus from traditional staple crops to HVCPs, highlighting their ability to generate higher income per unit of land and labor, thereby offering an effective solution to rural poverty.