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Ley Nº 27.887 - Disposiciones para la venta de tierras habilitadas de los proyectos especiales hidroenergéticos y de irrigación del país.

South America

La presente Ley dispone que la Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión (PROINVERSIÓN) procederá, dentro del total de la extensión de tierras habilitadas o eriazas de los proyectos especiales hidroenergéticos y de irrigación del país financiados con fondos públicos y/o cooperación internacional que se encuentren disponibles, a adjudicar directamente mediante compraventa a través de sorteo público hasta el treinta por ciento del total de estas tierras, las mismas que serán destinadas a módulos de pequeña propiedad.

Written Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2004 (No. 12 of 2004).

Eastern Africa

This Act amends Sisal Industry Act, 1997, the Tea Act, 1997, the Courts (Land Disputes Settlements) Act, 2002 and the Tanzania Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 2003. The Sisal Industry Act, 1997 is amended in the Schedule regarding the membership of the Tanzania Sisal Board. The Tea Act, 1997 is amended in Schedule regarding the membership of the Tea Board of Tanzania. The Courts (Land Disputes Settlements) Act, 2002 is amended in section 25 with respect to the appointment of the Chairman of the District land and Housing Tribunal.

Regional Law No. 8-ZKO “On turnover of agricultural land”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law regulates turnover of agricultural land with a view of conservation of precious productive agricultural land. It establishes minimum agricultural land areas resulting from land consolidation for open land - 1 ha, for areas under glass - 0,05 ha. Minimum agricultural land area for drained and irrigated agricultural land shall not be less than 100 ha. Maximum agricultural land area that can be owned by a single natural or legal person within the boundaries of a single municipal unit shall not exceed 10 percent of total available agricultural land area.

Ley de Desarrollo Agrario (Texto codificado).

South America

La presente codificación de la Ley de Desarrollo Agrario, tiene por objeto el fomento, desarrollo y protección integrales del sector agrario que garantice la alimentación de todos los ecuatorianos e incremente la exportación de excedentes, en el marco de un manejo sustentable de los recursos naturales y del ecosistema.El fomento, desarrollo y protección del sector agrario se efectuará mediante el establecimiento de las siguientes políticas: 1) Política de capacitación integral al indígena, al montubio, al afroecuatoriano y al campesino en general, para que mejore sus conocimientos relativos

Law on Agriculture No. 01-98/NA.

South-Eastern Asia

This Act establishes principles for the development, management and preservation of agricultural activities (defined in Part II) in Laos. "Agriculture" is intended in a broad sense and thus the Act includes provisions relating to cultivation of crops, animal husbandry, fisheries, irrigation, management and conservation of agricultural land, use of fertilizers, protection of the environment, food supply, etc. Rights and duties of persons undertaking agricultural activities are outlined in article 10.

Local Self-Governance Act, 2055 (1999).

Southern Asia

The purpose of this Act is to support the decentralization process in general and capacity building of the districts, in particular with respect to the rural infrastructure development, and to improve rural accessibility.Village Development Committees shall be constituted as executives of the Village Council in village development areas, Municipalities shall be constituted as executives of the Municipal Council in municipal areas, and District Development Committees shall be constituted as executive bodies of District Councils in district development areas.

Federal Law No. 93-FZ on amendments to Administrative Code and Article 12 of the Law of the RSFSR on land charges.

Eastern Europe

Article 12 of the Law of the RSFSR on land charges is supplemented with item 23 of the following wording: “State unitary enterprises and state institutions that exploit state land reclamation systems and separately situated waterworks, including the stock of land of the water basins occupied by storage pools, canals, dams and others within their delimitation zone and state unitary enterprises and state institutions engaged in construction of state land reclamation systems and separately situated waterworks are charged for the plots of land including those conceded to them for temporary use

Regional Law No. 69 “On food tax”.

Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes that all producers of agricultural commodities shall be subject to mandatory payment of single food tax. Objects of taxation shall be agricultural land held by the producers of agricultural commodities on condition of ownership, tenancy or lease. Food tax shall be paid in the natural form: (a) in grain by grain farming enterprises; (b) in poultry products by poultry farming enterprises; and (c) in natural products calculated as equivalent to a metric ton of grain by other enterprises producing agricultural commodities.

Ley Nº 54 - Ley de Desarrollo Agrario.

South America

La presente Ley tiene por objeto el fomento, desarrollo y protección integrales del sector agrario. Para la ejecución de la política agraria (cap. IV), mediante el artículo 23, se crea el Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo Agrario (INDA), como entidad de derecho público, con ámbito nacional, personalidad jurídica y patrimonio propio, adscrito al Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería. El INDA substituye en sus funciones al Instituto Ecuatoriano de Reforma Agraria (IERAC).

Range Law No. 442.

Western Asia

The purpose of this Law is the determination, delimitation, allocation of areas such as ranges, pastures, wintersheds (winter range lands) or highlands to juridical entities like villages or municipalities and making use of them in a manner abiding by the rules, increasing or sustaining productivity through maintenance and improvement, controlling that use continuously, protecting them and changing their purpose of use when necessary. The determination, delimitation and allocation of ranges, highlands and wintersheds are undertaken by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Tigray National Regional State's Rural Land Usage Proclamation No. 23/1997.

Eastern Africa

This Proclamation lays down rules relative to the ownership and use of land in the National State of Tigray. Land is declared to be "joint property" of the State and can not be sold, exchanged, given in lease or as bond for an indefinite time. Farmers may use land in their possession under conditions as set out in this Proclamation. The actual state of land is declared to be "accepted" under the present Proclamation. Farmers can give their land in lease under article 7. Article 8 concerns the lease of state land.