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A (women)farmer-first approach – a case study from Papua New Guinea

Journal Articles & Books
февраля, 2014
Papua New Guinea

The Government extension services in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are weak. There is a general lack of money and staff, and the country has a poor infrastructure. Above all small-scale farmers in remote areas are left out of developments. This applies in particular to women farmers, despite their providing 85 per cent of the rural workforce.

No Clear Grounds

Reports & Research
февраля, 2014

The global finance, energy and food crises are fuelling a global rush for land in developing countries. In their search for land, political leaders and investors look to Africa as a potential food supplier for the rest of the world. However, the current trend of land liberalisation rarely offers a solution to sustainable food production and poverty reduction among smallhold farmers in rural areas, as shown by this case study.

Decision No. 245/QD-TTg approving the master plan on socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta key economic region through 2020, with orientations toward 2030.

февраля, 2014

This Decision approves the master plan on socio-economic development of the Mekong Delta key economic region through 2020, with orientations toward 2030 with the following principal functions: The Mekong Delta key economic region (embracing Can Tho city and Ca Mau, An Giang and Kien Giang provinces) is a key region for producing food, aquatic products and flowers and fruits, significantly contributing to ensuring national food security and the exploit of agricultural and aquatic products of the whole country. It is a major energy center of the country in the southwestern waters.

Uganda Sustainable Land Management : Public Expenditure Review

февраля, 2014

This report summarizes the findings of
the Uganda Sustainable Land Management Public Expenditure
Review (SLM PER). The SLM PER was undertaken to achieve six
main objectives: (i) establish a robust data base on
SLM-related public expenditure that can support credible
empirical analysis; (ii) develop a sound methodology for
conducting SLM PERs, which could guide similar work in the
future; (iii) analyze the level and composition of SLM

Décret 2014-078

января, 2014
África occidental
Burkina Faso

Le présent décret modifie les limites de la zone d’utilité publique (ZUP) définie par le décret n°98-476/PRES/PM/MEE/MEF du 02 décembre 1998 portant déclaration d’utilité publique et régime particulier de gestion des terres du domaine foncier de la zone du projet Bagré et définit l’emprise de la zone d’utilité publique du pôle de croissance de Bagré.Par ailleurs, il crée à l’intérieur du domaine foncier de la zone d’utilité publique du pôle de croissance de Bagré dite «Zone de Concentration».La zone de concentration est aménagée principalement à des fins d’activités agricoles, piscicoles, p

Fertilizer policy in Thailand

Reports & Research
декабря, 2013

Fertilizer use in Thailand has become an integral part of agriculture due to the declining availability of arable land and the increasing role of rice and other agricultural exports in the economy. Approximately 47 percent fertilizer is used on rice, production of which has increased from 13.4 million MT to 36 million MT from 1970 to 2010 coinciding with a rise in fertilizer consumption from .2 million MT to 2.6 million MT.

The fertilizer industry in Cambodia: Market, challenges and the way forward

Reports & Research
декабря, 2013

The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in Cambodia’s economy, and accounts for approximately 27.3 percent of GDP. Crop cultiva-tion on Cambodia’s 4 million ha of agricultural land has become more challenging with each passing year due to low soil fertility (White et al., 1997). Fertilizer application is crucial for nutrient replenishment, increased crop yield and elevated crop biomass which is necessary for moisture retention and nutrient efficiency (Bumb, 1996).

The role of mineral fertilizers in transforming Philippine agriculture

Reports & Research
декабря, 2013

The Philippines is an island nation, comprised of 7,107 islands that are split into 3 geographical divisions: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. In 2013, agriculture contributed 10.45 percent to GDP (PSA-NSCB, 2014) and 31 percent to employment (PSA-BLES, 2014). More im-portantly, its contribution to national and household food security is significant. Cereal production increased from 7.6 million tons in 1970 to 22.1 million tons in 2010. During the same period, fertilizer use increased from 201,000 nutrient tons to 771,000 nutrient tons (FAOSTAT).

Sustainable agricultural intensification: The promise of innovative farming practices

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Sustainable agricultural intensification holds promise to play a
role in the broader effort to ensure food security while protecting our natural
resource base. But what would such a sustainable intensification look like in
practice? This chapter presents the results of an ex ante assessment of the yield
and food security potential of 11 technologies for the sustainable intensification
of the key staple crops of maize, rice, and wheat.

Zambia: Conversions of Customary Land to Leasehold Title

Reports & Research
декабря, 2013

Zambia recognizes two types of land tenure: customary and leasehold tenure. While historically the majority of land in Zambia has been held under customary tenure, leases (also called leasehold titles) are the only legal means of holding land rights. In 1995, a new Land Act was passed, which makes it easier for investors to acquire leasehold titles to customary land. When an investor obtains a leasehold title to customary land, the customary land reverts to the state once the lease expires and is thereafter governed by statute.